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Forest scene, hands holding a dewdrop, which symbolizes the earth.

Green Studies – Study sustainability, shape the future!

Fridays for Future demos at school, waste sorting, and shopping for unpackaged groceries –​ that can't be all, can it? If that’s how you feel, then the University of Bayreuth is the right place for you: Like you, we take responsibility for our environment and integrate it into our studies, teaching, and research.

In doing so, we draw on the sound expertise our researchers boast in the natural sciences, engineering, the humanities, and the social sciences. Moreover, we think in interdisciplinary fashion. And we can rely on the strong commitment that our campus family has shown since our university was founded in 1975. We are making an impact on society. We were one of the first universities in Bavaria to adopt a binding sustainability strategy with its main goal of climate neutrality for the entire campus.

Our path to more sustainability

You can find more information about the Sustainability Strategy and the measures taken at the University of Bayreuth here:

Our Green Studies:

Bird's-eye view of the rondel of the University of Bayreuth.

Supplementary course of study: Sustainability

The supplementary course of study offers you the opportunity to deal with sustainability issues in depth, and to combine them neatly with your own studies. In addition to the theoretical basics, their practical application is very much in focus. The supplementary study programme is open to all students.


Three batteries, the two outer ones yellow, the middle one green, against a colourful background

Battery Materials and Technology M.Sc.

Access to sustainable and renewable energy represents one of the great challenges in the 21st century. Therefore, electrochemical energy storage, in particular batteries, will be an essential tool for the future. The English-taught programme will prepare its students for these future challenges. It addresses central issues of energy storage in an interdisciplinary manner, and focusses questions like efficiency and safety of new battery materials within a scientific orientation.

Picture collage: In the middle you can see three batteries, in the background an electric car that is being charged.

Battery Technology M.Sc.

It is currently assumed that the global demand for batteries for electric vehicles, stationary storage, and consumer electronics will increase at least 14-fold by 2030. This enormous demand urgently requires highly qualified specialists who have the necessary battery know-how along the entire value chain. The German-taught  engineering-oriented programme will address the central issues of energy storage in an interdisciplinary manner, and train top professionals in the field of battery technology. 

Student eye to eye with spider

Biofabrication M.Sc.

The English-language, interdisciplinary master's programme is positioned between the focus areas of materials science, life sciences, and medical technology. Students are trained to become highly-qualified and ethically responsible engineers at the exciting interface between medicine and technology.

Students look at dead wood in the Ecological-Botanical Garden in Bayreuth.

Biodiversity & Ecology M.Sc.

The international master's programme provides knowledge on the origins, recording, distribution, and functional significance of biological diversity at the level of genes, species, and ecosystems. It thus provides the best possible basis for dealing intensively with the effects of biodiversity loss and ecosystem change.

Student in a white coat and wearing protective goggles, smilingly operates apparatus in a laboratory.

Biotechnology & Process Engineering M.Sc.

The biotechnology and chemical industries are facing new challenges in the 21st century. Their mission: To integrate biotechnical processes into conventional chemical process engineering, and to overcome the challenges of the transition to renewable energy and to raw material conservation. Graduates of the master's programme have the high level of engineering competency to actively contribute to the development of tailor-made products and processes.

banner for sustainable materials and digitalization

Digitalization & Sustainability in Materials Science & Engineering, (M.Sc.)

Materials have shaped our world and will continue to do so. Sustainability and digitalization are key challenges of the 21st century, the combination of which will shape our future. This synergy opens up potential for sustainable innovations. The Master's in ‘Digitalization & Sustainability in Materials Science & Engineering’ provides the interdisciplinary knowledge needed to master these challenges.

Symbol image for renewable energy like photovoltaic and wind power

Energy Science & Technology M.Sc.

The constantly growing demand for energy, the finite nature of fossil fuels, and the reduction of energy-related CO2 emissions are challenges that need to be overcome when dealing with the resource known as "energy". The degree programme familiarises you with future-oriented approaches to solutions, and enables you to develop new technology for energy generation, conversion, transmission, storage, and use.

The photo shows a river flowing into a small forest. The forest resembles two lungs that are fed by the river.

Environment, Climate Change and Health M.Sc.

During the last two decades it has been proven that environmental and climate changes are related to substantial physical and mental hazards of humans. There is an increase in infectious diseases, in cardiovascular diseases, in allergies as well as a rising incidence in tumor diseases. For an appropriate management of climate-, environment and health-associated difficulties in near future, an emphasis must be given in the understanding of the correlation between environment, climate change and health from a scientific and educational point of view. 

A student fills a water sample into a vessel.

Environmental Chemistry M.Sc.

Environmental chemistry deals with the global challenges caused by increasing industrialisation and the overexploitation of natural resources. Contamination is not limited to one area (air, soil, or water), but affects entire ecosystems, and often has a political dimension. The English-language master's programme deals, among other things, with the prerequisites for sustainable resource management and the prudent remediation of contaminated sites.

A mountainous landscape with individual snow-covered areas

Environmental Geography M.Sc.

Besides climate change, changes in biodiversity, soil degradation, and the increase in the mass movement of people are among the major challenges of the present. The dynamics of these environmental processes require an understanding of spatial and temporal inter-relationships; especially the interaction with human activity is of utmost importance. The English-language master's programme imparts a specialist, interdisciplinary perspective, and it provides expertise and practical experience in the science of environmental systems.

Food in the laboratory

Food Quality and Safety M.Sc.

The world population is growing, and globalisation is changing lifestyles and eating habits. In the process, sustainability in the production and distribution of food is becoming increasingly important. Thankfully, innovations in biochemical analytics, modern sensor technology, and intelligent data processing are opening up unimagined possibilities. The international master's programme, unique in Germany, addresses these challenges.

Girl looks over the roofs of a city

Geography: Society and Environment (B.Sc.)

Relationships between society and the environment, interactions between social and natural processes, and questions regarding sustainability are central to geography. The bachelor's programme Geography – Society & Environment offers you a specialization in these topics, such as environmental change, limits to growth, urbanization, digitalization, future ethics, and the sustainable transformation of our society from a spatial perspective.

A woman examines plant parts with a microscope.

Global Food, Nutrition and Health M.Sc.

The central issue of this interdisciplinary master's programme, unique in Germany, is supplying the people of the world with sufficient quantities of high-quality, sustainably-produced food. The international programme focuses on relevant theoretical knowledge in the fields of natural sciences, economics, ethics, law, as well as the cultural and social sciences, among others.

Collage of a mountain landscape and a plant on the island of La Palma

Global Change Ecology M.Sc.

The English-language master's programme "Global Change Ecology" is dedicated to the understanding and analysis of the most important and momentous environmental problem of the 21st century: global change. With its interdisciplinary approach, the programme successfully aims to combine natural science perspectives with approaches from disciplines in social science.

A bird's eye view of a big city.

Human Geography M.Sc.

What are the consequences of the agricultural or industrial development of the geography a region? How does tourism change a society? Why do migration and urbanism influence the geography of population and settlement? In this master's programme, you can begin specialising in your contextual subject (e.g. Environmental Law) plus an elective module (e.g. Man & Environment or Development Studies).

Two women examine the water at a river.

Molecular Ecology M.Sc.

If you wish to explore ecological relationships from their genetic basis to evolutionary impact on complex ecosystems, then the master's programme "Molecular Ecology" at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences is just right for you. Benefit from the diversity of research groups in the fields of ecology and molecular biology conducting cutting-edge research.

Graphical representation of a chemical substance.

Natural Products & Drug Chemistry M.Sc.

The ability to develop innovative active substances is crucial for improving our medical care. In this master's programme, unique in Germany, you will deal intensively with modern methods in the synthesis and analytics of bioactive natural substances. Embedded in the research field and focus area of "Molecular Biosciences", you will get up close and personal with international science from the word go.

Woman in lab coat examines a red wing

Polymer Science M.Sc.

The applications of polymeric materials range from the packaging industry, to the automotive and aircraft industries, all the way to medical technology. In terms of their growth and innovation, polymers are the material of the 21st century. The programme covers all important areas of polymer science, such as polymer synthesis, analysis, processing, biomacromolecules, materials, and polymer technology.

Student examines red liquid in a flask.

Sustainable Chemistry & Energy B.Sc.

Based on a broad background in chemistry, the German bachelor's degree program "Sustainable Chemistry & Energy" teaches approaches to solutions for a sustainable future: These include renewable chemical energy storage, the conversion of classic large-scale processes to "green" CO₂ -neutral alternatives and the recycling of raw materials.

Runner on treadmill. Close up of the sports shoes.

Sports Technology M.Sc.

In your degree course, you will combine current scientific findings from sports science and engineering with the demands of sports practice. While in the engineering component you will deal with materials science and product development, in sports science you can choose from four areas: Health & Fitness, Training – Performance - Competition, Sports Ecology, and Sports Management.

Application and Enrolment

Study at the most beautiful campus university in Germany! Frequently asked questions about application and enrolment as well as our degree programme finder with lots of information about more than 185 degree programmes at the University of Bayreuth can be found via the link below.

More questions?

Team photo: the three colleagues from the Central Student Advisory Service at the University of Bayreuth

Do you have questions about our "Green Studies" or need help choosing the right degree programme? We are happy to help! The Central Student Advisory Service is your point of contact for all questions about choosing a degree programme, applying and enrolling.

Hotline: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433 (Di-Do, 10-11 Uhr)

Link to contact form (in German)

Would you like to find out more about our Master's programmes? Please contact the respective course moderators.

International applicants find all information needed at our International Office.