Advising & Service Offers for Students
Benefit from our consulting and service offers. Whether before, during, or after your studies – we will be happy to advise you!
Formalities: Application and enrolment, leave of absence, withdrawal from university
Questions about examination regulations, crediting of fulfilled course requirements, issuing of certificates
Questions on transitioning from bachelor’s to master’s programme
Students helping students
Information on all support services for students in a variety of life and study situations
Which degree programme is right for you? Take the UBT study programme test.
First point of contact for questions about studying, general advice on choosing a course of study, changing subjects, and problems during studies
Subject-specific advising on individual bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes
Individual assistance for problems regarding one’s studies
Doctorate advice
Students helping students
Financing and social counselling
General student loans & social support
Special support offerings for gifted students and for volunteering
Gender equality funds promoting equal opportunities for women (travel, student assistant positions, scholarships)
Workshops for key competencies, exam preparation, time management
Consultation and training in academic writing
Consultation and courses on literature and internet research, literature management, etc.
Foreign language training
Computer and multimedia competency
Tutor training
Studying abroad
Individual support studying and living in Bayreuth
Student concessions and scholarships
Students helping students, socializing
Services for refugees
Access to studies, access arrangement, accessibility
Career guidance, career counselling and job platforms
- To the Career Services & Corporate Relations service unitCareer counselling, counselling for individual career orientation and career vision
- To our Student AdvisingInitial orientation after the bachelor's degree
- To the job portal of the University of Bayreuth
- To the Federal Employment Agency
- To CareerDaysWorkshop weeks at the University of Bayreuth
- To KarriereForumCompany contact fair of the University of Bayreuth
Placements: arrangement and advising
- To the job portal of the University of Bayreuth
- To the Career Services & Corporate Relations service unitCareer counselling, counselling for individual career orientation and career vision
- To the intern service, business & economics
- To the intern service, engineering science
- To Accrediting / processing of compulsory internships for Bachelor of Arts students via programme coordinatorsPDF-file (437 KB), in German language
- To the homepage of the IAESTE Local Committee of the University of BayreuthArrangement of subject-specific placements
- To AIESECArrangement of placements abroad
Application folder check, application training and advising
Advising in times of personal stress, crisis and conflict
- To the psychological advising from Studentenwerkin German
- To the advising services from Diakonie Bayreuthin German
- To the Commissioner for Addiction Prevention of the University of Bayreuth
- To the advising services from Diakonie BayreuthAddiction advising, in German
- To the counselling from University congregationsin German
Sport & Fitness
University Health Management
University congregations
Study organization, financial support, childcare, network
Child-rearing advice
Individual support with problems with studies
Conflicts during studies (e.g. with lecturers, fellow students)
Conflict in families, partnerships, relationships
Information and counselling on options for action, support, and complaints in cases of discrimination and harassment
Counselling on bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment
Free legal advice from Studentenwerk (Association for Student Affairs)
Inexpensive accommodation
Eating inexpensively on campus
Living inexpensively
Computers, printers and copiers
Online services
- To cmlife
- To CAMPUSonline
- To our E-Learning platform
- To MyFiles
- To our webmail for students: MyUBT
- To the Online services of the Student Administration Office
- Reporting Campus Card loss
- Ideas ManagementTool for submitting ideas and suggestions of any kind to the University Governing Board simply and transparently
- English glossary
- To the virtual lecture offering: Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
Podcast "Das UNIversum stellt sich vor" (the UNIverse introduces itself)
Who does what, exactly, at the University of Bayreuth? And who will be able to help me in particular situations at the Univeresity? That's what our podcast "Das UNIversum stellt sich vor" is all about.
Haven't found what you're looking for?
No idea where to go with your questions? Then contact our student advising.