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Meeting of the University Governing Board in November 2022

Organizational structure of the University of Bayreuth

Even a medium-sized campus university with around 12,000 students needs to be well organized. Below you will find an overview of our organizational structure.

The University is governed by its central bodies: the University Governing Board, the Senate, and the University Council. The University Governing Board conducts the day-to-day business and consists of the President, the Provost, four Vice Presidents and the Women's Representative. The Senate is made up of elected representatives of the university's teaching staff, scientific and academic support staff and students. The University Council consists of both internal and external members. The latter represent the spheres of science, culture, business and professional practice. The members and central tasks of the University Governing Board, the Senate, and the University Council are described under Central Bodies.

In addition, there are other advisory and supporting bodies (e.g. Presidential Advisory Committees, the Student Parliament, and the Board of Trustees), whose members are also listed in more detail below.

The University of Bayreuth is administered by the Central University Administration (ZUV), which reports to the Provost. The ZUV consists of various administrative units along with other staff and central service units. The so-called central institutes also support science. They include the Library, the IT Service Centre, the Botanical Garden and the Language Centre.

The faculties are the central pillars of the University on the academic side. They are led by the Deans and faculty councils. The faculty council is the highest decision-making body of a faculty; it is made up of elected representatives of professors and staff. The Dean implements the decisions of the faculty council and conducts the day-to-day business of the faculty. In parallel, there are cross-faculty and faculty-specific research institutes: the research centres and the research units. Joint activities with other universities and/or universities of applied sciences are coordinated by way of academic cooperation. The University also collaborates with a range of other external partners.

In addition, the University of Bayreuth has representatives, commissioners, and officers for various subject areas (such as data protection, health management, sustainability, equal opportunities and inclusion). The complete organization chart of the University of Bayreuth can be found on the intranet.

Central bodies

Other Bodies and Institutions