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Building of the TechnologieAllianzOberfranken (TAO) in the evening

Research bodies in cooperation with external partners

The University of Bayreuth is committed to establishing research bodies in cooperation with other universities and institutions. This is intended to further develop intra- and extra-university cooperation in strategically selected areas. Moreover, this research-conducive environment at the science and business centre of Bayreuth is set to be expanded even further.

Cooperation between Bavarian universities

In close cooperation with other Bavarian universities, BPI, BRIAS, TAO and FIM have created strategic alliances that are changing the research landscape into the future.

The Institute for Franconian Regional History (IFLG) was founded in February 2017. It bundles research into regional history at the Universities of Bamberg and Bayreuth and is funded by the Upper Franconia Foundation. The Institute is based at Thurnau Castle. Its academic activities focus on cross-linguistic and interdisciplinary perspectives as well as European and global networks of Franconian history. The Institute also maintains a lively dialogue with stakeholders in regional and local historical work, including the interested public.

The University of Bayreuth is one of the project partners of the Medizincampus Oberfranken (Medical Campus Upper Franconia/MCO). With this, the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), the University Hospital Erlangen, Klinikum Bayreuth GmbH and the University of Bayreuth make it possible for young people to train as doctors in the degree programme "Human Medicine Erlangen-Nuremberg/Bayreuth".

Cooperation with Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

As Europe’s largest organization for applied research and development services, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is an ideal partner for application-oriented research. In recent years, for example, several Fraunhofer project groups have been set up in Bayreuth, whose work is of great benefit to companies in the region.

Cooperation on site at Kulmbach

The Research Unit for Food Quality (ForN) at Campus Kulmbach links the University of Bayreuth with the Max Rubner Institute and with companies in the food industry.

Other research institutions associated with the University of Bayreuth

The research institutions working in association with the University of Bayreuth are geared towards application-oriented research and development projects. They have their own legal status, but are linked to the University in terms of personnel and subject matter.

Also of interest: rankings

The success of the research conducted at the University of Bayreuth is reflected in national and international rankings.