Logo Universität Bayreuth
Person looking at spider silk
Investigating spider silk: Biomaterials research in Bayreuth.
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Excellent conditions for your research.

Excellent research thrives where great minds have freedom to think and adventurous spirits find inspiration – like at the University of Bayreuth. The communicative campus here brings together the most diverse disciplines, and is enormously productive thanks to the scientific exchange generated.

Our university is committed to interdisciplinary research and offers tremendous opportunities with its modern research facilities and excellent research infrastructure.

It is a trademark of the University of Bayreuth to bundle and coordinate its research into interdisciplinary Focus Areas. In doing so, the research strengths of proven subject disciplines are combined with the innovative power of interdisciplinary cooperation.

The University of Bayreuth is pleased with the consistently outstanding research results being produced, which repeatedly earn the University prestigious prizes and honours, such as European Research Council (ERC) Grants, Heisenberg Professorships or, especially for our early-career scholars, Emmy Noether Junior Research Groups. Thanks to our excellent research results, we obtain a considerable share of our budget from third-party funding, in addition to our state budget. These funds come from a variety of sources, both public and private, but first and foremost from the highly respected German Research Foundation (DFG), besides funding from the federal government, the European Union, and Elite Network Bavaria (ENB).

Aerial view of the campus of the University of Bayreuth

Good scientific practice

Sculpture on the campus of the University of Bayreuth

Research brochure

When it was founded in 1975, the University of Bayreuth was already committed to interdisciplinary research and teaching. Today it is obvious just how far-sighted this was. For we live in a globalised society that is constantly faced with new and ever more complex challenges. But the right answers can only be found where there is closer and, above all, interdisciplinary cooperation - like at the University of Bayreuth. Here you will encounter an area of tension between academic freedom, scientific progress, and practical relevance, which we always place in the context of social and cultural responsibility. In addition, we maintain a comprehensive international network with other universities, while remaining a friendly, communicative campus. In short: Those who come to Bayreuth can look forward to optimal research conditions. 

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