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A 3D printer prints a red bowl

Promoting Innovation & Inventions

The University of Bayreuth has set itself the goal of increasing its innovation activity and thus sustainably strengthening the future viability of both established companies and new start-ups in the Upper Franconia region. An important building block for this is the specially founded Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

The Institute acts as a driver in the regional innovation ecosystem, and represents the central infrastructure enabling access to entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and innovation. Both on the campus itself and in the direct vicinity of the University of Bayreuth, important research and transfer institutions (including Fraunhofer centres and Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH) have been established which are being eagerly sought out by Upper Franconian companies as cooperation partners. Start-ups and established companies are now part of a central, closely connected network of players who all make a positive contribution to increasing entrepreneurial and regional innovative strength with their specific knowledge and

Inventions from research projects with industrial partners

If inventions are devised at the University, it is typically as part of joint research projects with industrial partners. Contractual arrangements in advance ensure that such inventions can be adopted by the industrial partner under standard market conditions. 

Are you part of a company and have questions about cooperations with the University of Bayreuth? Feel free to contact our transfer team!

Support for start-up founders

Apart from patent applications, the protection of trademarks and designs is also part of the start-up experience. We support founders through

• Individual, confidential invention and start-up advice
• Further training events on the topic of property rights
• Assistance with IP searches
• Establishing contacts with potential partners from the business community
• Advice on funding opportunities for the further development of inventions

Contact: gruendungsberatung@uni-bayreuth.de

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Further Information

Would you like to know more? You can find more information regarding start-up services on the website of the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.