Scholarships and Grants
In Germany, as elsewhere, educational success is still too strongly linked to one's background. We want to encourage and support individuals so that their academic careers do not fail for lack of money. There are many public and private institutions that award scholarships to students and researchers, or provide financial support for study and research stays.
Organizations for the promotion of young talent
Scholarships for gifted students provide financial and non-material support for students with outstanding achievements in their academic education. In Germany, there are 13 funding organisations that award scholarships to students and doctoral candidates. The scholarship organisations for the gifted reflect the diversity of German society. They reflect the nation’s various ideological, religious, political, economic, and trade union-oriented currents.
Avicenna-Studienwerk is the first Muslim scholarship programme for gifted students in Germany. By awarding scholarships, Avicenna-Studienwerk supports talented and socially committed Muslim students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines.
They should display above-average academic achievement, be able to look beyond their own horizons, be socially committed, and eager to play an active role in shaping society. In addition, applicants should profess their Islamic faith and be interested in interreligious exchange. Applications are also open to non-Muslim persons who, for example, choose a specific focus on Islam in their course of study.
Application deadline(s): 1st April and 1st October (funding begins in the following semester).
Cusanuswerk is the scholarship body of the Catholic Church in Germany. It provides scholarships to particularly talented Catholic students of all disciplines and universities during their studies and doctorates. Within the framework of this support, spaces of encounter are created encouraging students to go their own way and to take on responsibility in society, research, and the Church. A diverse educational programme nurtures discussion about science and faith, society, and the Church.
Support is given to students with a wide range of interests and great professional competency, who take their faith journey seriously, and who aspire to play an active role in shaping the Church.
Application deadline(s): 1st August.
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Mario Larch
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) supports particularly talented Jewish students and doctoral candidates. This support relies on the commitment and self-development opportunities of our scholarship holders. By means of non-material support, we strengthen Jewish identity, a sense of responsibility and the ability to engage in dialogue. Scholarship holders are encouraged to help shape the future. ELES requires its applicants to belong to the Jewish community. Non-Jewish doctoral candidates may apply if they are working on a topic closely related to the Jewish community.
Applicants should ideally display above-average school and study achievement, but also show commitment beyond this: in their Jewish community, in the social sphere, in youth work, in student organisations, or in the general community.
Application deadline(s) for students: The deadline for admission to the winter semester usually begins on April 1st and ends on April 30th. Applications for admission to the summer semester are usually possible from October 1st and until October 31st.
Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst is the organization for the promotion of gifted students of the Protestant churches in Germany. The organization brings together people for whom education and scholarship are important concerns, besides trust in a lively future for the Protestant Church. Founded in 1948 in view of the failure of the educated classes to prevent National Socialism, the organization aims to relate education to democracy, the tolerance of contradiction, social responsibility, and human dignity.
Interested students may apply for all scholarship programmes themselves. Academic performance is important for admission, but grades are not the only deciding factor. Equally important is social commitment (e.g. in the Church, school, the environment, politics, or social affairs). Those who wish to apply should be members of a Protestant church, although exceptions to this are possible where appropriate.
Application deadline(s) for students: October 1st to January 15th (midnight) and April 1st to July 15th (midnight).
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) was founded in 1925 and is committed to the fundamental values of social democracy: freedom, justice and solidarity. The overriding concern of FES funding is to enable young students and doctoral candidates of above-average talent and socio-political commitment to gain access to study or research through a scholarship.
To this end, the scholarship is particularly aimed at young academics from low-income families, as well as applicants with a migrant background. At the same time, FES aims to support young people who wish to use their qualification not only for their own career, but to put their skills at the service of the community. Prerequisites for an application are political and/or social commitment, talent (above-average achievement), and personality.
Application deadline(s) for students:
- Winter semester: by 31st October at the latest.
- Summer semester: by 30th April at the latest.
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Manfred Miosga
Based on the idea of liberalism, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom offers opportunities for political education in Germany and around the world.
Prerequisites for admission to the sponsorship programme are good to very good academic performance, qualities of character including a willingness to assume responsibility, as well as political and social commitment based on a liberal outlook. German students are only sponsored from their 3rd semester onwards. Foreign applicants must come from the Foundation's project countries, and funding is only possible for doctoral projects or postgraduate studies.
Application deadline(s) for students: 1st to 30th April and 1st to 31st October.
The Institute for the Promotion of the Gifted (IBF) of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, closely aligned to the CSU political party, has set itself the task of contributing to the education of young academics of great personal and academic competency by providing moral and financial support based on Christian-social values.
The target group is students and doctoral candidates who achieve above-average academic performance and are at the same time engaged in socio-political activity. That means work in the social sector, in community or denominational youth work, in student organisations, or in a party-political environment.
Application deadline(s): 15th July and 15th January.
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Ralf Behrwald
The Hans Böckler Foundation's scholarship programme is the German Trade Union Federation's organisation for the promotion of gifted students. It provides scholarships to students who are committed to trade unions, socio-political and social issues, and who achieve good to very good results. Priority is given to children of workers and adult education graduates.
Graduates will ideally display both above-average performance in their studies and socio-political commitment, for example in associations, initiatives, youth organisations, parties, churches, or in university politics. Furthermore, applicants who are socially disadvantaged beyond the above-mentioned requirements are given preference in the awarding of scholarships.
Application deadline(s) for students:
- For the following summer semester: 15th May to 1st August.
- For the following winter semester: 15th November to 1st February.
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Matthew Hannah
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is the green-aligned political foundation. It is guided by the basic political values of democracy, ecology, solidarity, and non-violence.
Criteria for admission to the sponsorship programme are outstanding performance in studies, social commitment and political interest, a personality profile, and special competencies such as creativity, self-reflexivity, intercultural competence, and gender sensitivity, as well as goal-orientation. Applicants should support the aims of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Particular support is given to people from migrant families, women, students from non-academic backgrounds, students of STEM subjects, and students from universities of applied sciences.
Application deadline(s): 1st March and 1st September.
Liaison Professors at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber
Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer
PD Dr. Mariam Popal
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports German and foreign students and graduates of above-average talent. In doing so, it is guided by a concept of humanity characterized by Christian democratic values and the importance of order.
Students whose personality and talents prefigure special academic achievement are invited to apply for a scholarship. Above-average academic performance and commitment are especially desirable. Applicants should have a sense of political responsibility, be open-minded socially, and be prepared to work responsibly in institutions and organisations in higher education, government, and society. Young people with a migrant background and from parental homes without higher education experience are particularly welcome.
Application deadline(s) for students: 15th January and 15th July of each year (12:00 noon).
Liaison Professors at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Anna Köhler
Prof. Dr. Markus Möstl
The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation sees itself as belonging to the basic intellectual current of democratic socialism. It was recognised in 1992 by the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) - today DIE LINKE - as a party-affiliated foundation operating nationwide. The aim of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is to contribute to the democratisation of political decision-making, to social justice and solidarity, and to overcoming patriarchal, ethnic, and national oppression through political education.
The organization awards scholarships to students and doctoral candidates who distinguish themselves through strong academic achievement as well as pronounced social commitment in the spirit of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. The Foundation aims to counter social, political, and gender discrimination; in the case of equivalent applications, preference is therefore given to women, the socially disadvantaged, and people with disabilities.
Application deadline(s) for students: 1st April for funding commencing from 1st October of the same year and 1st October for funding commencing from 1st April of the following year.
The Klaus Murmann Sponsorship Programme of the German Business Foundation (sdw) supports students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines boasting a sense of community and entrepreneurial spirit.
We are looking for students who can demonstrate above-average academic results, social commitment (e.g. involvement in school and university committees, homework help, club work, etc.), and determination. Furthermore, social competency, good general education, networked thinking, and communication skills are especially desirable. We expressly encourage students at universities of applied sciences and students from homes without a university background to apply. The University of Bayreuth has hosted its own scholarship group since December 2004.
Application deadline(s) for students: Once a year at the beginning of the year.
Liaison Professor at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alexander Brink
The German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) is the largest and oldest organisation for the promotion of gifted students in Germany. The organization provides its scholars with a wide range of opportunities to expand their academic knowledge, to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue, and to gain international experience. Its scholars represent the entire breadth and diversity of ideologically, religious, and democratically based political backgrounds and values, which they contribute to the Foundation's programmes.
The German Academic Scholarship Foundation supports young students and doctoral candidates who have achieved something special, have shown initiative, and who are eager to assume responsibility. Scholarship holders are selected and supported independently of any political, ideological, or religious guidelines.
Most applicants are nominated. Alternatively, you can submit a self-application with a selection test.
Liaison Professors at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Bauer (Mathematik)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Clemens (Biologie)
Prof. Dr. Joerg Gundel (Jura)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kannowski (Bürgerliches Recht und Rechtsgeschichte)
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meckl (Internationales Management)
Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke (Afrikanistik)
Scholarship spokespersons at the University of Bayreuth
Julius Baptist Hlawatsch
Annalena Klee
Fabian Lang
Degree programme at the German-language Andrassy University of Budapest (AUB)
The Free State of Bavaria awards scholarships for master's studies at the German-speaking Andrássy University of Budapest in the Master of International Economy and Business, Master of International Relations, and two interdisciplinary postgraduate programmes.
Further information on application requirements, funding levels and other eligible degree programmes:
For the current application deadlines, please contact Andrassy University Budapest directly.
Applications are to be sent by E-mail directly to:
Prof. Dr. Martina Eckardt
Dean of the Faculty for International Relations
Annual Scholarship Programme of the Free State of Bavaria for University Graduates from Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe (BayHost)
One-year scholarships from the Free State of Bavaria for university graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Hungary.
The scholarship serves to finance doctoral, postgraduate, or postgraduate studies at a Bavarian university. It is initially granted for one year and can be extended on application a maximum of two times (to a total of three years).
Please refer to the scholarship homepage for the application deadline.
For more information, please refer to:
The universities themselves select scholarship recipients of the Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship). In addition to first-class grades, social commitment and special personal achievements are also taken into account when awarding the Deutschlandstipendium - for example, successfully overcoming hurdles in one's educational history. One half of a Deutschlandstipendium is financed by private sponsors - foundations, companies, and private individuals - and the other half by the Federal Government.
Funding under the Bavarian Act for the Promotion of Elite Students (BayEFG) by Universität Bayern e.V. has not been continued after funding ended in autumn 2017. The following information applies to currently ongoing funding.
Material and travel expenses (Art. 8 BayEFG) can be applied for at Division I/3 (Ref.1/3).
Special grants:
Extension of funding period:
Further information:
Wolfgang Böss
Division (Ref.) I/3, ZUV building, Room 1.07
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: 0921 / 55-5250
University of Bayreuth Graduate School
Scholarship of the Free State of Bavaria for the furthering of highly gifted students in accordance with the Bavarian Elite Promotion Act
The Max Weber Programme is aimed at highly talented students at universities in Bavaria. The Free State of Bavaria has entrusted the German Academic Scholarship Foundation with the implementation of the programme.
The Max Weber Programme aims to promote both academic and personal development. In addition to their university studies, scholarship holders have access to a special academic supplementary offering in the form of classes for in-depth academic study and interdisciplinary exchange. This is supplemented by career-related events. Individual support by mentors at the Bavarian universities enables early involvement in research and insight into other areas of excellence. Networking among scholarship holders is the focus of central events to which scholarship holders from all Bavarian universities are invited. To promote internationality, scholarship holders are eligible for financial support for projects abroad. Starting in the 2015/2016 winter semester, each scholarship holder will receive an educational allowance of € 1,290 per semester.
Two paths lead into the Max Weber Programme - a very good Abitur (A-levels) result or excellent academic performance. Via the examination with the Ministerial Commissioner (MB examination), which is taken in Bavaria shortly after the Abitur, 200 Abitur students from Bavarian schools can enter the programme each year. The second pathway is through university studies. Every year, an average of 200 students from Bavarian universities are admitted during selection seminars organised by the Scholarship Foundation.
The selection of students for the Max Weber Programme of Bavaria is carried out separately from the selection of students for the Scholarship Foundation; double sponsorship is possible.
Further information:
Marianne Plehn Programme for doctoral students at Bavarian universities in the Elite Network of Bavaria
The Marianne Plehn Programme, named after the first female Bavarian professor, provides targeted individual support for doctorates in the area of support for the gifted within the Elite Network of Bavaria. The Marianne Plehn Programme is aimed at doctoral students at Bavarian universities and offers them a doctoral scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and a quarter position financed by the Free State of Bavaria, which can be located at a Bavarian university of their choice. This new model thus combines the freedom of a scholarship-financed doctorate with the institutional integration opened up by the position, as well as access to the social security system.
In addition, a supervised excellence programme carried out in cooperation with Bavarian academic institutions promotes the networking of the scholarship holders within Bavaria and offers further qualification opportunities for their current and future tasks and challenges (e.g. interdisciplinary competencies, didactic skills, developing one's own research profile, planning a possible postdoc phase). Furthermore, the Scholarship Foundation's ideational programme as well as the cross-network offerings of the Elite Network of Bavaria are open to the doctoral candidates.
The selection and implementation process of the Marianne Plehn Programme has been entrusted to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
All information on the programme and the application can be found here:
If you have any questions regarding the application, please consult your point of contact at the German Academic Scholarship Foundation:
Dr. Kerstin Bläser
Phone: 0228 / 82096-296
For questions about the quarter position, please consult your point of contact at the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts:
Frauke Preißinger
Phone: 089 / 2186-2068
Note: The employer's statement can be obtained from the University's Human Resources Department.
Further information:
Since 1973, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts has been entrusted by the estate of the late Consul Oskar Karl Forster with the administration and distribution of half of the annual net proceeds of the bequest for the promotion and education of gifted and indigent pupils and students at grammar schools and universities. From the proceeds of one year, funds are made available to the University of Bayreuth on a pro rata basis in the following year.
Financial support can be granted for the funding of the education of gifted and indigent students at the University of Bayreuth within the framework of the Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship.
This is a one-off grant for the purchase of books or other learning materials. Alternatively, a grant can be awarded towards the printing costs of dissertations.
Eligible to apply
are students from their 2nd semester onwards. Proof of enrolment at the University of Bayreuth is required.
In the case of an application for a grant for the purchase of books or other learning materials, the approval of a university lecturer is required with regard to the appropriateness of the planned purchase as well as the eligibility of the applicant, taking into account their previous academic performance.
Need-based funding
Need can be recognised when receiving benefits in accordance with BAföG. The student's income must not exceed the BAföG funding rates. For the assessment of the need of other students, the income of the person liable for support must be proven by submitting suitable documents (usually the last income tax assessment notice). In the case of grants for the printing of the dissertation, need is only given if the applicants do not earn more than € 1,800.00 per month.
The assistance can amount to a maximum of € 500.00.
Application forms
are available at the Scholarship Office or here for printing:
Application period
cf. the application form.
Application documents
The following attachments must be included with the application:
- List of planned book and learning material purchases with a breakdown of costs
- Proof of enrolment
- BAföG confirmation or proof of income
- Endorsement of University lecturer
Proof of purchase
Only receipts from the year of approval and for the books/learning materials applied for will be accepted. The receipts/proofs of payment must be submitted by the deadline stated in the notice of approval.
Wolfgang Böss
Division (Ref.) I/3, ZUV building, Room 1.07
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: 0921 / 55-5250
All female academics who can prove an affiliation with the University of Bayreuth are eligible to apply.
Scholarships for female academics from the post-doc phase onwards (preferential funding):
The Bavarian State Government provides special funds for the realisation of equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, from which scholarships are financed at the University of Bayreuth. The focus of the programme is on qualifying women for a professorship.
- Postdoc scholarship
- Scholarship for habilitation (Mentorship applied for)
- Post-habilitation scholarship or equivalent
- Scholarship for returning to work after parenting period
Special circumstances: scholarships for female doctoral candidates
- Hardship Scholarship (see below)
- Scholarship for returning to work after parenting period
Next application deadline: 15 January 2022
Hardship Scholarship
No funds available until further notice.
Within the framework of its call for proposals "Programme for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching", the Equal Opportunities Department offers, among other things, a scholarship in cases of hardship. This is financed from funds of the Professorinnen-programm III of the federal government and the states.
The scholarships have a maximum duration of 3 months. Hardship cases include, for example, visa issues, illness, or livelihood issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Applications can be submitted to the Equal Opportunities Department on an ongoing basis. The scholarship amount depends on the respective qualification phase.
Applicants can obtain advice from the Equal Opportunities Department.
Miriam Bauch
Head, Equal Opportunities Department
The Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft took up operations on April 1, 2023. It focuses on supporting students, scientists, and researchers at various career stages. The Student Grant program for outstanding Bachelor and Master students in their graduate year will begin in October 2023. The Tenure Track Professorship program will be launched in 2024, followed by the Advanced Professorship programme.
Further funding programmes
The funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports skilled workers with vocational training and several years of practical experience in their first academic higher education studies.
Applications are possible before the start of studies and until the end of the second semester. Over 1,000 advancement scholarships are awarded annually.
A full-time course of study is supported monthly with 861 euros plus 80 euros book allowance. In addition, there is a care allowance for children under 14 (150 euros for each child). For part-time students, the subsidy amounts to 2,700 euros per calendar year. The benefits are a lump sum and are not dependent on income.
Further information:
Scholarship ambassador
Cindy Glod
The aim of the Babbel company is "to support and promote those students who share our love of languages and at the same time are able to write an original piece about an experience in which they have gone beyond their limits".
Students from a German university of any discipline, especially linguistics, tourism, interpreting, literature, or communication studies, are eligible to apply.
Detailed information about the Babbel Scholarship and the application modalities and deadlines can be found here:
Under the Federal Training Assistance Act, German and, under certain conditions, foreign students have a legal entitlement to funding for training in accordance with their aptitude, suitability, and performance, insofar as they do not otherwise have the funds required for their living expenses and training, and have not yet reached the age of 30 when the funding begins. Exceptions to the age limit are possible in certain cases. Funding is granted on application for the duration of the course of study, including the lecture-free period. The maximum duration of funding is set by ordinance for each subject area.
Studentenwerk Oberfranken (SWO, Upper Franconian Association for Student Affairs) can provide more detailed information about funding under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). Leaflets and application forms can be obtained from Studentenwerk. Initial applications and applications for further funding must also be submitted there; the deadlines are announced via notice board.
The Bavarian Elite Academy supports thirty of the best qualified students of the Free State of Bavaria per year with supplementary traineeship completed alongside their main studies. The aim is to impart leadership and management qualities and skills. Phases of in-person classes, project work, and regular consultation with a personal mentor from a Bavarian business are the three main pillars of the programme. In addition, there is the possibility of an internship in management (including abroad) with one of the sponsoring companies. The Bavarian Elite Academy is privately funded by the Bavarian business community. It works closely with the universities.
Contact address:
Bayerische Elite-Akademie
Prinzregentenstraße 7
80538 München
Phone: 089 / 2188900,
Liaison Professors
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Werner Schmidt
Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry I
Phone: 0921 / 55-3200
Responsible for enquiries from Faculty 2 (Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences) - Prof. Dr. Jörg Schlüchtermann
Chair of Productions Management & Industrial Economics
Phone: 0921 / 55-6190
Responsible for enquiries from Faculty 3 (Law, Business & Economics) - Prof. Dr. Martina Drescher
Chair of Romance Languages & General Linguistics Phone: 0921 / 55-3579
Responsible for enquiries from Faculty 4 (Languages & Literatures) - Prof. Dr. Olivier Roy
Chair of Philosophy I
Phone: 0921 / 55-4159
Responsible for enquiries from Faculty 5 (Humanities & Social Sciences)
The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China awards up to 20 government scholarships annually to excellent graduate students or scientists from Bavarian colleges and universities. In consultation with the Chinese side, i.e. the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MoE), it was agreed that BayCHINA would nominate suitable candidates for a scholarship to the CSC. BayCHINA is required to nominate only graduate students. Bachelor’s students in the final stage of their studies with excellent performance are also eligible to apply. However, at least a Bachelor's degree must be evdenced at the start of the study abroad programme.
The application will be forwarded to the CSC after successful nomination by BayCHINA. The complete documents must therefore be submitted to us before the deadline mentioned below so that an examination can be carried out before the application deadline set by the CSC.
The CSC scholarship is only valid for the People's Republic of China and not for Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Macau.
We may only nominate applicants with German citizenship.
Further information on the application can be found here:
The Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Research, established in 2004, supports gifted young female scientists with children to give them the freedom and mobility they need for a scientific career. The foundation seeks to help prevent outstanding talents from being lost to scientific research. It is aimed at female doctoral candidates in a subject in the experimental natural sciences or medicine.
Further information can be found here:
The Claussen-Simon Foundation offers several funding programmes, including, for example, the B-First funding programme and the Master Plus funding programme.
The B-First funding programme is aimed at first-degree students of all disciplines who are starting or have just started a bachelor's or a Staatsexamen programme at a German higher education institution (maximum 2nd semester at the time of application).
The Master Plus funding programme is aimed at students of all disciplines who are starting a master's programme at a higher education institution in Germany after successfully completing their bachelor's degree.
Detailed information on all funding programmes of the Claussen-Simon Foundation as well as the funding requirements and application deadlines can be found here:
The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, economics, and culture. Since 1945, the EFA has dedicated itself to addressing the relevant socio-political issues of our time within the framework of its annual forum in Alpbach and other events throughout the year.
The EFA brings together international leaders from all areas of society with interested audiences and committed young people to engage in a dialogue that transcends generations, ideologies, and borders.
The EFA is committed to a sustainable, democratic society and with its events provides ideas and impetus for the continuing development of the European integration project.
For more information on the scholarship, please click on the following link:
The EXIST Start-Up Grant supports founders from universities and non-university research institutions who wish to turn their start-up idea into a business plan.
These should be technologically innovative start-up projects with good prospects of commercial success. The EXIST Start-Up Grant is a funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and is co-financed by the European Social Fund.
More information at:
Business start-up advice at the University of Bayreuth:
Start-up advice
Dr. Andreas Kokott
Phone: 0921 / 55-4672
Zapf Building, Building No. 1
Nürnberger Str. 38, 95448 Bayreuth
Ground floor, Office No. 1.2.18
GDMB Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V. (Society of Metallurgists and Miners) is an internationally recognised professional society for the promotion of scientific, technological, economic, and ecological concerns in the fields of raw materials and geo-resources, non-ferrous metallurgy, recycling, and environmental technology.
Further information can be found here:
The Heilsbronn Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to worthy, needy, and talented students of the Protestant faith who are domiciled in the former principality of Bayreuth and are studying at a German university.
Details can be found here:
The application deadline for the current call for proposals is 31 January 2025 (cut-off deadline) at the latest submitted to: Regierung von Oberfranken - Verwaltung des Heilsbronner Stipendienfonds Bayreuth -, Ludwigstraße 20, 95444 Bayreuth.
Scholarships from the Heilsbronner Stipendienfonds foundation in Ansbach are awarded to talented, worthy and economically disadvantaged students at a German university in the form of a one-time payment. Students must be of the Protestant faith, German citizens and resident in the former Principality of Ansbach.
The Heinrich Stockmeyer Foundation would like to use scholarships to encourage young scientists (doctoral candidates/graduates) to carry out research work in areas relevant to food. To this end, it provides a monthly scholarship over 24 months per scientist as financial support. In accordance with the purpose of the foundation, funding is directed towards scientific disciplines that serve food research, food safety and consumer protection.
Information and call for applications at:
Kurt Tucholsky Scholarship for Literature and Journalism
The Kurt Tucholsky Foundation, together with the German Literature Archive Marbach, announces two one-year international doctoral scholarships. Funding is available in particular for doctoral candidates in German studies, journalism, sociology, or political science who are working on Kurt Tucholsky's work and ideas or related topics. The call for applications applies to a one-year research stay of foreign doctoral candidates in Germany and for German doctoral candidates to research abroad. The scholarships provide € 1000/month. Travel expenses are not reimbursed separately. Scholarship holders are offered the opportunity to live in the Collegienhaus during their stay at the German Literature Archive Marbach. Rent will be paid by the scholarship holders.
Applications (abstract, project description of a maximum of six pages, work plan for the duration of the fellowship, curriculum vitae, list of publications, references, and information on income) are to be submitted via an application portal. The Board of the Kurt Tucholsky Foundation decides on the award in consultation with the German Literature Archive Marbach. Application deadlines: 31 March and 30 September respectively.
Conditions applicable to the Marbach scholarships will take effect. Applicants whose work is directly related to Kurt Tucholsky's estate will be given priority in the selection process. There is no legal entitlement to a scholarship. In subsequent publications, the Kurt Tucholsky Foundation is to be named as sponsoring institution.
Claudia Rauen
Scholarship Programme Coordinator
Phone: +49 (0)7144 / 848-761
Studying abroad for a semester or even for the entire degree programme is becoming increasingly popular and offers many students the opportunity to realise their dream of living abroad while gaining advantages for their professional future. But studying, living abroad, and having a child is a real challenge, regardless of whether you are in a cohabiting relationship or a single parent.
MAWISTA health insurance abroad therefore seeks to support young people who decide to study abroad with a child. The focus is more on career, personality, and personal background, than the hard facts such as grade point average or length of study.
The scholarship:
As part of the funding, scholarship holders receive a one-off payment of € 3,000.
How to apply:
The application is made via an online form.
Further information:
As part of its tertiary guarantee fund, Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. (OBS) supports the integration of
- Spätaussiedler (ethnic German immigrants), their spouses, descendants and other family members,
- Persons entitled to asylum,
- Jewish immigrants (residence title according to § 23 AufenthG),
- so-called GFK refugees (§ 60 para. 1 AufenthG, residence title according to § 25 para. 2 AufenthG),
who are under 30 years old.
The funding is intended to enable students to prepare for university studies or to continue studies they have already begun in their country of origin, to take up gainful employment after completing university education in their country of origin, or to supplement their studies in Germany as required.
Study and study-supplementary measures
The advisors of the OBS support graduates in all questions relevant to the implementation of supplementary studies (choice of subject and university, application and admission, recognition of achievements, study financing, study organization, etc.). Supplementary (partial) studies are considered for young university graduates if their foreign degree is not likely to be usable on the labor market due to significant differences to the corresponding German degree. In the partial study program at a German university, a university degree (e.g. diploma, bachelor's or master's degree) is then obtained again. If a supplementary course of study is not possible, depending on the field of study, funding may be available for a supplementary course of study lasting approximately one year. One-year study supplements conclude with a certificate.
Application and funding
- First application within two years after entry, in the case of persons entitled to asylum within one year after receipt of travel document.
- As a rule, funding ends after 30 months of support, but no later than 60 months after entry.
- Breadwinner income is only taken into account three years after their entry. Income is not taken into account in the language course.
Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V., Geschäftsstelle Bonn
Kennedyallee 105-107
53175 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 8163-136
By awarding scholarships (study support), the Rainer Markgraf Foundation offers young adults as well as young people financial assistance for training, studies, and qualification. Promoting the future - with this offer to support young people who are willing to perform, the foundation is strengthening the economic attractiveness of the Upper Palatinate and Upper Franconia regions in the long term.
The foundation’s study support is meant as a financial basis for living and everyday study. In addition to intensive examination in the chosen field of study, the period of study should also create the freedom to broaden one's view to related disciplines.
Consequently, the Rainer Markgraf Foundation motivates students not only to successfully complete their studies, but also to gain experience for their career and life. In addition to a personal letter of application, proof of academic achievement and a self-disclosure of the applicant’s financial situation are required when applying for study support. In addition, the Rainer Markgraf Foundation expects applicants to identify particularly with the region of Upper Palatinate or Upper Franconia. After the documents have been reviewed and a personal interview has taken place, a decision will be made on whether or not to grant funding.
A maximum of 650 euros per month in study support is possible. The grant is initially valid for two semesters and can be extended by two semesters if the student performs well, but not beyond the regular period of study. In principle, the Rainer Markgraf Foundation aims to provide support throughout their entire period of study. However, its guidelines for the awarding of a study grant must be observed.
The application documents and further information can be found on the foundation's homepage.
Rainer Markgraf Stiftung
Florian Prosch
Dieselstraße 9
95448 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (921) 297 159
Rotary International Study Abroad Scholarships in Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling
Chair of Innovation Management
University of Regensburg
93053 Regensburg
To this day, the Simon-Nüssel-Foundation provides financial resources to support research projects in the fields of nutrition and agriculture as well, as the publication of new research results in various publications. In doing so, the Upper Franconia region is given special attention. In order to support research at the University of Bayreuth, the Foundation provides funds for a wide variety of projects.
Awarding of scholarships
Who are we and what do we want to achieve?
- We are a non-profit society and are committed to promoting dialogue between the generations.
- We aim to encourage personal encounters between old and young and thus make a contribution to improving the quality of life of many senior citizens.
- We award scholarships to motivated students who wish to actively care for the elderly in social institutions.
Whom are we seeking?
- You are enrolled at a university.
- You want to be socially involved and are good at approaching older people.
- You have a total of approx. 40 hours per semester to spare.
What do we expect?
- Regular visiting services in senior citizens' homes, e.g. walking with aged residents, singing, doing handicrafts, playing games, reading to them, etc.
- A short written report on the experience.
What do we offer?
- Insight into senior citizen work and experience in dealing with older people.
- We reward your social commitment with a scholarship of currently € 400 per semester.
- Have we aroused your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your written application!
- Detailed information about the "Dialogue Scholarship", application conditions and documents can be found on the Solidaris homepage:
Study grants for top athletes of the national professional associations and other outstanding talents.
Postal address
Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe
Burnitzstraße 42
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 / 67803-0
The Loan Fund of Bayer. Studentenwerke e.V. aims to make it easier for needy students at Bavarian universities to prepare for their exams and successfully complete their studies by granting them student loans.
Conditions for application:
- in the undergraduate programme, a maximum of 4 semesters until graduation,
- doctorate,
- studies abroad and enrolled at a Bavarian higher education institution in the last 4 semesters before the application is submitted
- a postgraduate, supplementary and/or additional course of study,
- and previously received BAföG (exceptions are possible!)
Upon consultation with the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the loan office can also grant BAföG recipients a loan for tuition fees for the last 4 semesters in addition to BAföG. As regards application, repayment period, etc., the same conditions apply as for a normal student loan.
Applications & further information:
Studentenwerk Oberfranken
Central Administration – Room 2.54
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: 0921 / 55-5954
The scholarship is meant to be a support for hard-working students and make their lives a little easier - because they deserve it. For this reason, the online platform Symptoma awards up to $US 3,000 per year: $US 500 per person per year to a maximum of 6 students around the world.
Further information can be found here:
As part of its "Scholarship for Trailblazers", the company idealo is looking for students who stand out from the crowd and dedicate their special ability to a specific cause. The company is therefore looking for socially committed, talented and passionate creative minds who want to make a difference in the world.
The target group is students of all courses and semesters who possess at least 1 exceptional talent.
It will be a full scholarship worth a total of 9,000 €. The scholarship holder receives 750 € per month for one year.
Further information can be found here:
Forms for research grants
Personal questionnaires for general research grants
Staff questionnaires DFG Research Fellowships
- Staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships (in German)Word document, 42 KB
- Staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships (in English)PDF, 137 KB
- Annex to the staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships - child allowance (in German)Word document, 30 KB
- Annex to the staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships – child allowance (in English)PDF, 31 KB
- Annex to the staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships - extension of the funding period (in German)Word document, 29 KB
- Annex to the staff questionnaire for recipients of DFG Research Fellowships - extension of the funding period (in English)PDF, 31 KB
Your contact at the University of Bayreuth

Wolfgang Böss
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5250
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 1.07
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Information specifically for foreign students is available from the International Office.
Still haven‘t found what you’re looking for?
There are a large number of scholarships in Germany from state, municipal, trade union, and private institutions, as well as from the political parties. Since there are several hundred different private foundations with very different award criteria, we only refer to some of them on this webpage.