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Students in the Audimax of the University of Bayreuth

Small contribution, big impact: The Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship)

The University of Bayreuth has been supporting talented and socially committed students with the Deutschlandstipendium since 2011. Its special feature: Half of the funding is provided by the federal government; the other half is provided by foundations, associations, private individuals, and companies. In this way, they assume social responsibility and accompany young people along part of their way in life. The result is a lively network that opens up new perspectives for everyone involved. Become part of an investment in the future that pays dividends for all concerned.

Stefan Leible
The Deutschlandstipendium, initiated by the German government, enables you to take up an inspiring exchange with the best students at our university. You get to know potential young talent at an early stage and can draw their attention to your company. Invest in the future of our country through targeted top-level support, and help to secure the next generation of skilled workers for Germany. The network of the University of Bayreuth opens up opportunities for cooperation that you might not even have thought of today. With just € 150 per month, you can already be part of it!

Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible, President of the University of Bayreuth

The concept

The Deutschlandstipendium is an opportunity that the University of Bayreuth is happy to take advantage of. We would like to support particularly talented students who stand out due to their outstanding achievements, their personal career, or social commitment – and for this we need you!

Investing together in the leaders of tomorrow

Private sponsors and the federal government each provide 50% of the funding for the scholarships. Every contribution is welcome. As soon as the University of Bayreuth has raised 1,800 euros, the federal government doubles that amount. In this way, we can award a Deutschlandstipendium with a funding amount of € 3,600 per year. This means that the particularly gifted student has € 300 euros more per month to live on, and can concentrate fully on his or her studies. The benefits of the sponsors flow together at the University of Bayreuth. This organizes both the application process and the support during the course of the student's scholarship. Interested students send their application directly to the University of Bayreuth.

Private sponsors

provide the first half of the funding.

University of Bayreuth

organizes the selection and support
of scholarship holders.

Federal government

finances the second half of the funding.

Join in! There are many possibilities:

You take over a scholarship.

Contributing € 1,800 per year means the federal government pays the same amount on top. Of course, you can even sponsor several talents - Bayreuth has several. Maybe you would like to support us for several years. That would be great! 

You support a scholarship fund.

A small amount goes a long way. You don't have to take over a whole scholarship. In this case, your support goes into a fund from which the University awards further scholarships. 

Your support is earmarked for a specific purpose.

Perhaps you would like to support a specific course of study or a subject area, for example because you are one of our graduates and have special ties to your faculty. No problem, just contact us.

First-hand experience

It pays off to support the Deutschlandstipendium

  • With your help, we support particularly talented young people that Germany urgently needs.
  • You are making a contribution that will ensure the competitiveness of our society in the future.
  • You will get to know the specialists and managers of tomorrow, perhaps even those in your company.
  • You will make valuable contacts with other sponsors and scholarship holders - and thus expand your network.
  • You will support and promote the international reputation of the University of Bayreuth.
  • You will help us to further develop Bayreuth and the region as a centre of business and knowledge.
  • You will be doing good and we will talk about it - of course only if you wish.
  • We welcome official sponsors of the University of Bayreuth to advertise their commitment.
  • You can deduct your sponsorship amount for tax purposes.

Voices of scholarship holders and sponsors

These sponsors are already part of the programme.

Sponsored students introduce themselves.

Further information and downloads

Your contacts concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Claas Hinrichs

Claas HinrichsContact for companies concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4660
E-mail: claas.hinrichs@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 5584-4660

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.12
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth

Susanne Weigelt

Susanne WeigeltContact for companies concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4665
E-mail: susanne.weigelt@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 5584-4665

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.12 
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth

Kirstin Freitag

Kirstin FreitagContact for students concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4663
E-mail: kirstin.freitag@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-6332

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.13
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth

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Wolfgang BössContact for students concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5250
E-mail: stipendien@uni-bayreuth.de

Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 1.07
Universitätsstraße 30, 95444 Bayreuth

You can find further funding opportunities and scholarship offers on our overview page:

Claas Hinrichs

Claas HinrichsContact for companies concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4660
E-mail: claas.hinrichs@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 5584-4660

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.12
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth

Susanne Weigelt

Susanne WeigeltContact for companies concerning the Deutschlandstipendium

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4665
E-mail: susanne.weigelt@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 5584-4665

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.12 
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth