We’re on board! What about you?
Read here what drives companies to get involved with the Deutschlandstipendium and support students at the University of Bayreuth.

We at VISHAY are delighted to be able to make a small contribution to providing selected students with financial freedom by sponsoring the Deutschlandstipendium. In this way, we want to give these exceptionally committed students the opportunity to concentrate fully on their studies and their non-university commitments. It is always fascinating and inspiring to hear the stories of these scholarship holders, who not only excel in their studies but also dare to think outside the box and want to make a difference. This is very much in the spirit of our company founder Dr Felix Zandman, who coined the motto at VISHAY: "to dream, to dare, to do"!
Christoph Gallersdörfer, Human Resources, Vishay Electronic GmbH

With its Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, HUK-COBURG supports students who excel in their studies and their extra-curricular commitments. We seek to support our scholarship holders in helping to shape and develop the future, because in times of innovation and digitization, we need bright minds to develop solutions for current and future challenges. For us, as a major Germany insurance company, sustainable and long-term entrepreneurial activity has been the focus of our everyday work for many years. The Deutschlandstipendium makes it possible to promote research and business at the same time. An investment in education is always an investment in our future.
Stefanie Schmidt, Consultant University Marketing, HUK-COBURG Insurance Group

The scholarship enables recipients to concentrate more on their studies, and to engage in social initiatives. In this way, it is possible to nurture responsible and committed young people for our society. As a foundation, we are especially interested in projects in the fields of healthy nutrition and renewable energies, with the aim of boosting self-reliance. In cooperation with the University of Bayreuth, we are therefore proud to award 20 scholarships to talented and socially-committed young scholars – because they will be shaping our future.
Maria Thon, Managing Director, BayWa Foundation

If you deliver products worldwide of the highest technical standard, conducting mass production based on complex processes, you need a highly-qualified team. An intensive working relationship has meanwhile been built up between Schlaeger M-Tech and the young technical faculties and institutes in the Bayreuth area. For many years, students have been able to experience the ingenuity, efficiency-mindedness and passion for technology of our company, and to contribute their own creativity. By supporting two scholarships, we have in place another important element in our training strategy, and are pleased to be able to pass on some of the “mind-set of the SME.
Dipl.-Ing. Anton Fuchs, Managing Director of Technology, Schlaeger M-Tech GmbH

Scholarships serve the economy. They make possible fair access to good education, and contribute to training not being a matter of financial resources. That’s why REHAU is happy to support the Deutschlandstipendium initiative in cooperation with the University of Bayreuth. To us it means an investment in the education of future generations. REHAU conceives itself as a market-oriented technology enterprise. Around the world, our performance is based on the large number of our qualified personnel, to whose competencies and perspectives we owe our marked innovative capability. Obviously, dedicated, talented young professionals are of existential importance to our success. They carry joint-responsibility for the development of the REHAU group – not just today, but also for tomorrow and beyond.
Dr. Thorsten Schlüter, Human Resources Manager REHAU Group

The timely and coherent reaction to demographic change has become a success factor for staffing policy in the enterprise. The looming skills shortage - heightened by the shift of the population to large cities – is one of these challenges. The Deutschlandstipendium in cooperation with the University of Bayreuth offers us the opportunity to support young, dedicated talent and future professionals, and win them for the region. At the same time, we are able to meet students early on in their career, and inspire them to join our enterprise.
Dr. Michael Weihermüller, Managing Partner, medi GmbH & Co. KG
With just a small contribution you too can be a sponsor
Do you also wish to become a sponsor at our university? With a sponsorship amount of 150 Euro per month or 1,800 Euro a year (full scholarship), you will contribute to the support of especially talented students in Bayreuth.
You can also opt for a part-scholarship (variable amounts under 1,800 Euro. We will bundle these via the Universitätsverein Bayreuth e.V. (Partners & Friends of the University) into full scholarships. When conducting your transfer, please cite “Deutschlandstipendium” as the reason for payment, plus your name and full address. Naturally we will send you a donation receipt upon request.
- Sparkasse Bayreuth (IBAN: DE37 7735 0110 0009 0158 50, BIC: BYLADEM1SBT)
- VR-Bank Bayreuth (IBAN: DE36 7739 0000 0000 0070 30, BIC: GENODEF1BT1)