Logo Universität Bayreuth
Woman looking into microscope

Supporting & donating

Our country is facing intense global competition and needs talented young professionals today more than ever. Specialists who live up to the "Made in Germany" label in science, research, and technology, who can find effective solutions to the problems of today and tomorrow. But specialists and managers are in short supply in Germany – and the trend is worsening.

It is time to foster the next generation at our universities. The University of Bayreuth offers you a whole range of possibilities to support cutting-edge research and higher education.

Help shape the future of our state and of Upper Franconia

Close contact with the regional economy and its numerous entrepreneurs from industry, trade, the crafts, and services is very important to the University of Bayreuth. We are already a large source of highly qualified university graduates for the region's companies. Our facilities in research, teaching, or training and further education are an excellent basis in competing for the production factor which is knowledge.

Get in touch!

With your help, we support talented students and excellent scientists, and invest in a research infrastructure that will keep Germany competitive as a driver of science in the future.

The University of Bayreuth would be delighted to welcome you to the circle of friends and sponsors of our university. Look forward to an inspiring exchange of experience and ideas with a lively university that lives and breathes interdisciplinary thinking and working – among its students, its faculties, its alumni and alumnae and, of course, our sponsors. Contact us and arrange a consultation – together we will find your ideal sponsorship project.

Entrepreneurship & innovation

Our Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation networks the activities of the University of Bayreuth on the topics of start-ups, innovation, and knowledge transfer.

Career Services & Corporate Relations

Our service unit Career Service & Corporate Relations (KUK) is the central point of contact for companies interested in cooperating with the University of Bayreuth.

Where to get involved:

Associations and scholarships

Independent foundations