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The photo shows a river flowing into a small forest. The forest resembles two lungs that are fed by the river.

Environment, Climate Change and Health, Master of Science (M.Sc.)

During the last two decades it has been proven that environmental and climate changes are related to substantial physical and mental hazards of humans. There is an increase in infectious diseases, in cardiovascular diseases, in allergies as well as a rising incidence in tumor diseases. For an appropriate management of climate-, environment and health-associated difficulties in near future, an emphasis must be given in the understanding of the correlation between environment, climate change and health from a scientific and educational point of view. 

Prof. Dr. mult. Eckhard Nagel
Climate change has adversely affected everyone’s health. Animal and human diseases are emerging in new areas. Transformation is needed and enables the adaption required for high levels of human health and wellbeing, economic and social resilience as well as ecosystem and planetary health. There is the consent, that the value of diverse forms of knowledge such as scientific, as well as indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in understanding and evaluating climate adaptation processes and actions is immense and can lead to more effective and sustainable actions to reduced risks and consequences of human-induced climate change.

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Dr. phil. Dr. theol. h.c. Eckhard Nagel, University of Bayreuth

Any more questions? Please contact the coordinator of the degree programme.

Prof. Dr. mult. Eckhard Nagel

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Dr. phil. Dr. theol. h. c. Eckhard Nagel

Director of the Institute for Healthcare Management and Health Sciences

E-mail: ecch@uni-bayreuth.de

Prieserstraße 2, 95444 Bayreuth

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