Logo Universität Bayreuth
View into the empty Audimax of the University of Bayreuth

Virtual Tour of the Campus in Bayreuth

Its good reputation, international networking, top-level research, and pronounced entrepreneurial thinking make the University of Bayreuth a good choice, not to mention the good life in Bayreuth itself. The University is for all those who deliberately choose not to study at a large university, but appreciate short walking distances between lectures, plus easy communication with their "Profs". But first things first. You can't go there (yet)? Then just click your way around our green campus from home!

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Studying in Bayreuth? We saved a seat for you!

Are you interested in food science? Come to Kulmbach!

Our newest faculty, the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health, is located in Kulmbach and is still under construction. On the faculty website you can get a first exclusive insight.