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The Pupil Study Programme at Uni Bayreuth

Studying while still at school? This is possible at the University of Bayreuth. Together with regional grammar schools, we focus on promoting gifted students. Because there are students in every year group who are particularly gifted and for whom the required school workload is simply not enough. 

In-depth studies in a subject area

The University of Bayreuth would like to offer these students learning and educational opportunities that are complementary to what is offered at grammar school. The initiative is part of the wide range of programmes offered by the Free State of Bavaria to support particularly gifted pupils.

In the pupil study programme at the University of Bayreuth, pupils attend regular courses in the first semesters of study. This gives them the opportunity to study a subject area over the course of one semester. To do this, they choose one of the following subject areas and communicate their choice when registering for the pupil study programme:

Procedure of the pupil study programme

As a rule, students attend courses in their chosen subject area from the regular range of courses offered by the University of Bayreuth for one day per week during the semester. As in a regular course of study, this also involves preparation for and follow-up on the courses. By studying this way, individual learning and educational processes take place, which is what this programme for the promotion of gifted students is aiming at. If students provide regular proof of assessment (e.g. written exam, term paper, seminar presentation), they receive a confirmation of this from the University of Bayreuth, so that the corresponding grades can be accredited to a relevant study programme later. The learning content from the lessons missed at grammar school as a result must be caught up independently by the pupils. If the school is located in the Bayreuth area, only individual lessons and not a whole day per week may be cancelled.

The lecture period begins around mid-April for the summer semester and around mid-October for the winter semester. You can find the exact dates in our overview of dates in the academic year.

The courses recommended for participating students are usually the same courses as for students in their first semester. The times and rooms are listed in the online course catalogue of the University of Bayreuth.

Registration procedure and getting started

The programme is primarily aimed at pupils in grades 10 to 13; in some cases, younger pupils also find their way into the Pupil Study Programme. To apply, please send the form "Bewerbung zum Schülerstudium Bayreuth" to the University of Bayreuth.

Please note: If you are applying for the first time, you must also enclose a passport photo and a copy of your identity card. In addition, school administration must agree to you attending university. When registering for continuation of the Pupil Study Programme, the passport photo and the copy of the identity card will not be necessary. If interested, the Pupil Study Programme can be continued in the following semester – in the same or in another degree programme.

Introductory event

ForA joint introductory event is offered for newly accepted early students (pupil study programme and Unitag) shortly before the start of the winter semester lecture period. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Centre for Teacher Training under "Für Schülerinnen und Schüler".

Legal framework

  • Art.77 Abs.7 BayHIG and §17 of the enrolment statutes of the University of Bayreuth create the legal framework for the participation of pupils in university courses and examinations.
  • Statutory insurance cover exists for university attendance as part of the Pupil Study Programme in accordance with §2 Para.1 No.8b SGBVII

Your contacts for organizational questions are:

Prof. Dr. Volker Ulm

Prof. Dr. Volker Ulm Mathematics & Didactics

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55‐3266
E‐mail: volker.ulm@uni‐bayreuth.de

Silhouette eines weiblichen Avatars

Dr. Doris Streber

Centre for Teacher Training

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6016
E-mail: doris.streber@uni-bayreuth.de