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Studying law the Bayreuth way.

Why law in Bayreuth?

We are one of the younger German universities - both institutionally and in terms of personnel. In the almost 30 years of its existence, our faculty has earned an excellent reputation and is today one of the best law faculties in Germany. Our outstanding speciality is tight integration with economics, which is expressed in the fact that we form a joint faculty.

The programme in law offers a thorough education in the three main areas of German law: criminal law, civil law, and public law.

Furthermore, in addition to the high-quality legal education confirmed by numerous top rankings, the law degree programme at the University of Bayreuth offers additional qualifications, some of which are unique in university legal education.

First-class specialization

In addition, you can choose from nine areas of concentration, which enable you to start developing your specialization during your studies. We offer you:

  • International Law
  • Intellectual Property & Competition
  • Companies, Capital & Structuring
  • Companies & Tax
  • Companies & Work
  • Commercial Criminal Law, Criminal Law in Medicine & Criminal Law in Taxati
  • Markets in the Digital World
  • Public Economic Law
  • Human Rights: History, Context, Universalization

Bayreuth's programme in law concludes with the first state examination, which qualifies one to work as a legal clerk.

Law-specific supplementary programme offerings

A key feature of studying law in Bayreuth is the range of innovative supplementary programmes offered in a unique form. Currently, four supplementary programme courses for lawyers are offered by the Faculty of Law, Business & Economics:

You want even more?

At the University of Bayreuth, all students have the option of taking supplementary studies alongside their main studies. There is also the option of module studies. In module studies, individual modules from bachelor's and master's degree programmes can be taken and completed with an examination. In addition, the University of Bayreuth cooperates with the Virtual University of Bavaria, where students in Bayreuth can take courses.

Also of interest: Law Studies Portal

In the Law Studies Portal of the University of Bayreuth you will find information about studying law in Bayreuth - for all those who are already studying law and for all those who still want to do so!

Information days: Jura-WiWi-Tage

What should I study? Law, business studies, economics, health economics? Many people ask themselves these questions at the end of their school years. Finding an answer is not that easy. At our Jura-WiWi Tage, you will find out why the University of Bayreuth is a very good place to study law, business, and economics.

Your contact

If you have specific questions about the structure, process, or planning of your law degree programme at the University of Bayreuth, feell free to contact our Subject Specialist in Law.

Tina Maria Steiner

Ass. jur. Tina Maria SteinerSubject Specialist in Law

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6057
E-mail: tina-maria.steiner@uni-bayreuth.de 

Rechtswissenschaften I (RWI), Office 1.0 01 117
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth