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Supplementary studies – for topics that concern everyone.

We are pleased that you are interested in studying and in our study programme at the University of Bayreuth, and that you are perhaps already enrolled. Are you wondering how you can gain academic insight into exciting issues that go beyond your degree programme?

The benefit of supplementary studies

In addition to our degree programmes that lead to academic degrees, we offer various further areas as supplementary studies. Are you interested in sustainability, intersectionality research, interculturality research, didactics of German as a second language, or theatre didactics? Then enrol in the respective supplementary course of study, and immerse yourself in topics that have relevance beyond one single degree programme – whether just for yourself, to realize your professional goals, or for the good of our society. The good news is that the supplementary courses of study listed here are open to all students at the University of Bayreuth. They can usually be integrated flexibly into your studies, and usually conclude with the awarding of a certificate. Your point of contact for any general questions regarding supplementary studies is Student Advising.

Simply sign up and get started

It’s very easy to take up supplementary course of study. The only admission requirement is an existing enrolment in a degree programme at the University of Bayreuth. Unfortunately, enrolment solely in a supplementary course of study is not possible, as the supplementary studies programme does not result in an academic degree in its own right, but represents an additional qualification. Simply submit the corresponding application to the Student Administration Office and indicate which supplementary course of study you would like to take up. Then start with the modules of the supplementary course of study individually, in which ever way best fits in with your studies. The course requirements and general conditions are regulated in the respective examination regulations. There is a contact listed for questions about the contents of each supplementary course of study at the respective department, in case something should be unclear with regard to content or scheduling of the supplementary course of study.

You want more?

In so-called module studies, individual modules from bachelor's and master's degree programmes can be completed and concluded with an examination. You can find more information on this option on the website of the Student Administration Office. We have summarised the range of possible module studies in the respective semester for you in an overview. In addition, the University of Bayreuth cooperates with the Virtual University of Bavaria, to enable students from Bayreuth to take courses there as well.

Subject-specific additional courses of study

Not all additional courses offered at the University of Bayreuth are freely accessible, some are also bound to certain main courses of study. You can find an overview here.

Any questions? We are happy to inform, advise and support you.

Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bayreuth

Student Advising

Hotline: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433 (Tue-Thu, 10-11 a.m.)
Website: www.studienberatung.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html

Link to contact form

Student Administration Office

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5256
E-mail: studierendenkanzlei@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-84-5346

Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 1.09 
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth