Secondary school teacher training in Bayreuth
Is it your dream to teach at a secondary school one day? Then a teacher training programme at the University of Bayreuth is the right choice for you! Look forward to a challenging course of study that sets standards in the areas of subject-specific science, subject-specific didactics, educational science, and school practice.
In the teacher training programme for secondary schools, the programme includes two teaching subjects from the given combination options, as well as the study of educational sciences. Once you have completed the required course work, you can take the First State Examination. The First State Examination is a prerequisite for admission to preparatory service and the Second State Examination in the Free State of Bavaria.
Essential details at a glance
- Staatsexamen, B.Ed.
Admission requirements
General or relevant subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or vocational qualification; language skills: German B2
Admission restrictions
Aptitude test for sports and English
Start of studies
Winter semester, the German-History combination can also be started in the summer semester
Standard Period of Study
- 7 semesters
Language of instruction
Programme coordination
List of representatives of the individual subjects taught (PDF)
Important documents
Module handbooks (see Degree Programme Finder / subject sites), examination regulations, LPO I
Examination authority responsible
- Flyer
The range of subjects
The University of Bayreuth offers the following subjects for the teaching profession at Realschulen:
When you enrol, you decide on a specific combination of two subjects. You can find out which combinations are possible in Bayreuth on the overview pages for the individual types of teaching profession.
*with aptitude test
In the teacher training programme for secondary schools, the study programme includes two teaching subjects. You can find out which subject combinations are possible at the University of Bayreuth here. The study of the subjects consists of subject-specific, subject-didactic, and practical school components.
+ Chemistry
+ English*
+ Biology
+ Mathematics
+ English*
+ Geography
+ History
+ Mathematics
+ Sport*
+ Biology
+ German
+ Geography
+ History
+ Computer Science
+ Mathematics
+ Sport*
+ Economics
+ German
+ English*
+ Economics
+ German
+ English*
+ English*
+ Mathematics
+ Physics
+ Economics
+ Chemistry
+ German
+ English*
+ Computer Science
+ Physics
+ Sport*
+ Economics
+ Computer Science
+ Mathematics
+ German
+ English*
+ Mathematics
+ Economics
+ English*
+ Geography
+ Computer Studies
+ Mathematics
+ Sport*
*Aptitude test required
For the subject German you must prove " A2 proficiency in a foreign language of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
For the subject English you must prove "A2 proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Latin or a Romance foreign language".
For the subject History you must prove "A2 proficiency in two foreign languages according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages".
For explanation see "Teacher Training Examination Regulations I" and "Proof of foreign language proficiency as stipulated by the Teacher Training Examination Regulations I ".
The language skills required do not have to be evidenced at the beginning of your studies, but only when you register for the state examination.
Consequently, if you do not have the required foreign language skills at the beginning of your studies, you can catch up on them at our Sprachenzentrum. To this end, you must successfully complete the foreign language up to and including basic course 2 (exception: Chinese, here the successful completion of basic course 4 is required).
If you need to catch up on foreign language skills, please plan enough time in your studies for this. The basic courses are taught 4 hours per semester week and require a corresponding amount of study time.
The educational science programme (EWS) is the third element in the teacher training programme, alongside the subject-specific and subject-specific didactic components, and as such is also the subject of the First State Examination. The EWS study programme serves to acquire pedagogical and psychological knowledge and competency, without which the teaching profession is inconceivable.
Your study of educational sciences includes the three subjects of general education, school education, and psychology, as well as a pedagogical-didactic school internship.
In total, the following internships are planned in the teacher training programme:
The extension subjects offered for the teacher training programme include "Didactics of German as a Second Language" and "Performing Arts". However, you can add any other subject from our range of subjects for the teaching profession.
You can add a subject by applying for a change of subject at the Registrar's Office.
The University of Bayreuth offers student teachers a variety of opportunities to acquire competencies and skills that go beyond the requirements of the First State Examination. On the website of the Centre for Teacher Education you can find out more about the enrichment offerings of the Teacher Education Quality Offensive. The Competence Centre for Digital Teaching & Learning (DigiLLab) at the University of Bayreuth equips you for digital teaching and imparts media-related competencies for digital teaching and learning in all subjects of teacher education.
With supplementary studies, you immerse yourself in topics that have relevance beyond a single degree programme - for you, for your professional goals, and for our society. Supplementary courses of study are open to all students at the University of Bayreuth.
You can also spend a semester abroad during your teacher training programme, in Europe for example within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, and also at many partner institutions outside Europe. You can find more information, advice, and a database of partner institutions on the website of the International Office.
Language assistance programmes, which allow you to complete a teaching internship abroad, are especially aimed at future teachers. Further information can be obtained from the International Office.
The Centre for Teacher Education also lists funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for internships abroad for students and graduates. You can find more information at "Studying worldwide" and at DAAD.
Centre for Teacher Training
The Centre for Teacher Education coordinates teacher education at the University of Bayreuth, among other things. The following offerings, for example, are particularly relevant for students (in German):
Department of Teacher Training (Students)
You can get in touch with other students and get information about events, for example, through the teaching department. There is a separate course for student teachers in E-Learning (for students who are already enrolled), a Facebook page, and an Instagram account. The students are also represented in the UBT-app.
Advising services
A first point of contact for questions about the teacher training programme at the University of Bayreuth is Student Advising. For subject-specific questions, there are Teacher Training programme coordinators for each teaching subject. If you have questions about educational science, you can contact a separate counselling centre. If you have questions about examination law, the relevant examination office will be happy to help. In addition, the University of Bayreuth's other counselling and service network is also available to you.
With its flyer "Lehramtsstudium & Einstellungsaussichten" (Teacher training & recruitment prospects), the State Ministry offers all high school graduates and students interested in the teaching profession a clear overview of future recruitment prospects in the various teaching fields.
The brochure "Bayerische Lehrerbedarfsprognose" (Bavarian Teacher Demand Forecast) sheds more light on the complex interplay of important factors influencing the future demand for teachers and provides detailed insights into the demand forecast for the coming years.
Both documents are updated annually and can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.