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Two students using a smartphone together

UBT: The Campus App.

Quickly renew books from the library? Are the grades in yet? Has the professor answered yet? Hungry? When is my following lecture? What's going on on campus after classes today? What do I need to know about campus life to have a say? Where can I find an internship or my dream job? With the campus app "UBT", you are always well informed.

The University of Bayreuth uses its own app to bundle information in one place so that it can communicate in a particularly targeted and needs-oriented way. In doing so, we have taken suggestions from students, researchers and employees.

In cooperation with UniNow, we offer a way for students to organize their daily study routines more quickly. The UBT-app provides a preview of the canteen menu and the possibility to create a timetable, manage borrowed books or display individual exam results. To meet the needs of the University of Bayreuth, we have supplemented the app with information on news and favorite events and combined them into a comprehensive schedule. In this way, we have successfully bundled information from various internal websites and online portals directly with UniNow and made it easily accessible via mobile devices.