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Three female students in conversation

Intercultural Anglophone Studies, Master of Arts (M.A.)

Intercultural Anglophone Studies (MAIAS) is an innovative, research-oriented master’s programme in English and American Studies. It enables in-depth and theoretically informed study of the literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world, and of linguistic phenomena of English in its varieties. A wide range of forms of cultural expression such as literature, film, theatre, music, and popular culture are addressed. This degree programme promotes the analysis of complex issues in culture, literature and language – including inter- and transcultural issues – from various perspectives.

Any more questions? Please contact the coordinator of the degree programme.

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mayer

Prof. Dr. Sylvia MayerChair American Studies / Anglophone Literatures and Culture

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3563
E-mail: maias@uni-bayreuth.de

Have we aroused your interest? You can find all information about MAIAS at the University of Bayreuth on the website.

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