Welcome at the University of Bayreuth
Are you new to the University of Bayreuth or will you be soon? We would like to make your start here easier and have compiled some helpful information to help you get your bearings.

Servus in Bayreuth and Kulmbach
Dear New Member of the University of Bayreuth,
We are pleased to welcome you to the University of Bayreuth and its campuses in Bayreuth and Kulmbach. Whether you come from Upper Franconia, Germany, or another country or even continent, rest assured, you will quickly feel at home.
In fact, the region has so much to offer. On the one hand, of course, there is the University of Bayreuth, at whose sites of communication in Bayreuth and Kulmbach cooperations start, friendships begin, and ideas ignite. The most diverse disciplines come together here and the academic exchange of experience and ideas is our lived reality.
On the other hand, the area around the University is beautiful and wonderful to live in. Bayreuth is not only a world-famous festival city, complete with a UNESCO World Heritage designated opera house, but also home to the LiteraturCafé, the Studiobühne, and the Kunstmuseum, for example. Just beyond Bayreuth, the Franken Jura beckons with outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, or canoeing.
And Kulmbach, the location of our newest faculty, is also a great place to live. You want outdoor action? Then let's go to the Franconian Forest! You want culture? Visit the Plassenburg Open Air! You want to get a culinary taste of Upper Franconia? Then visit the many restaurants and museums!

But we realise that there is still a lot to do before your arrival in Bayreuth, Kulmbach, or the surrounding area: filling in recruitment forms, looking for a flat or house, applying for visas, etc. We have compiled some important points on organisational issues for you in the following tabs on this website.

Servus in Bayreuth and Kulmbach
Dear New Member of the University of Bayreuth,
We are pleased to welcome you to the University of Bayreuth and its campuses in Bayreuth and Kulmbach. Whether you come from Upper Franconia, Germany, or another country or even continent, rest assured, you will quickly feel at home.
In fact, the region has so much to offer. On the one hand, of course, there is the University of Bayreuth, at whose sites of communication in Bayreuth and Kulmbach cooperations start, friendships begin, and ideas ignite. The most diverse disciplines come together here and the academic exchange of experience and ideas is our lived reality.
On the other hand, the area around the University is beautiful and wonderful to live in. Bayreuth is not only a world-famous festival city, complete with a UNESCO World Heritage designated opera house, but also home to the LiteraturCafé, the Studiobühne, and the Kunstmuseum, for example. Just beyond Bayreuth, the Franken Jura beckons with outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, or canoeing.
And Kulmbach, the location of our newest faculty, is also a great place to live. You want outdoor action? Then let's go to the Franconian Forest! You want culture? Visit the Plassenburg Open Air! You want to get a culinary taste of Upper Franconia? Then visit the many restaurants and museums!

But we realise that there is still a lot to do before your arrival in Bayreuth, Kulmbach, or the surrounding area: filling in recruitment forms, looking for a flat or house, applying for visas, etc. We have compiled some important points on organisational issues for you in the following tabs on this website.
Creative, courageous, innovative, and liveable
The green campus of the University of Bayreuth is where people and ideas meet, where academic life is more colourful and personal than at larger universities. Top-level research, teaching according to the most modern methods, internationality and diversity, a springboard to a successful career – that’s what the University of Bayreuth represents. There are other universities, but the University of Bayreuth offers more!
Excellent conditions for you
Excellent research and teaching thrive where the mind has more freedom to think and the spirit finds inspiration – just like at the University of Bayreuth. The communicative campus here brings together a wide variety of disciplines and is enormously fruitful in its scientific exchange.
Creative, courageous, innovative, and liveable
The green campus of the University of Bayreuth is where people and ideas meet, where academic life is more colourful and personal than at larger universities. Top-level research, teaching according to the most modern methods, internationality and diversity, a springboard to a successful career – that’s what the University of Bayreuth represents. There are other universities, but the University of Bayreuth offers more!
Excellent conditions for you
Excellent research and teaching thrive where the mind has more freedom to think and the spirit finds inspiration – just like at the University of Bayreuth. The communicative campus here brings together a wide variety of disciplines and is enormously fruitful in its scientific exchange.
The Welcome Services of the City of Bayreuth offer information and support. The website provides comprehensive information, in German and English, on the subjects of arrival, housing, work, family, education, and leisure & life.
General information
Art and Culture in Bayreuth
General information
Art & culture in Kulmbach
The Welcome Services of the City of Bayreuth offer information and support. The website provides comprehensive information, in German and English, on the subjects of arrival, housing, work, family, education, and leisure & life.
General information
Art and Culture in Bayreuth
General information
Art & culture in Kulmbach

Servus in Bayreuth and Kulmbach
Dear New Member of the University of Bayreuth,
We are pleased to welcome you to the University of Bayreuth and its campuses in Bayreuth and Kulmbach. Whether you come from Upper Franconia, Germany, or another country or even continent, rest assured, you will quickly feel at home.
In fact, the region has so much to offer. On the one hand, of course, there is the University of Bayreuth, at whose sites of communication in Bayreuth and Kulmbach cooperations start, friendships begin, and ideas ignite. The most diverse disciplines come together here and the academic exchange of experience and ideas is our lived reality.
On the other hand, the area around the University is beautiful and wonderful to live in. Bayreuth is not only a world-famous festival city, complete with a UNESCO World Heritage designated opera house, but also home to the LiteraturCafé, the Studiobühne, and the Kunstmuseum, for example. Just beyond Bayreuth, the Franken Jura beckons with outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, or canoeing.
And Kulmbach, the location of our newest faculty, is also a great place to live. You want outdoor action? Then let's go to the Franconian Forest! You want culture? Visit the Plassenburg Open Air! You want to get a culinary taste of Upper Franconia? Then visit the many restaurants and museums!

But we realise that there is still a lot to do before your arrival in Bayreuth, Kulmbach, or the surrounding area: filling in recruitment forms, looking for a flat or house, applying for visas, etc. We have compiled some important points on organisational issues for you in the following tabs on this website.
Creative, courageous, innovative, and liveable
The green campus of the University of Bayreuth is where people and ideas meet, where academic life is more colourful and personal than at larger universities. Top-level research, teaching according to the most modern methods, internationality and diversity, a springboard to a successful career – that’s what the University of Bayreuth represents. There are other universities, but the University of Bayreuth offers more!
Excellent conditions for you
Excellent research and teaching thrive where the mind has more freedom to think and the spirit finds inspiration – just like at the University of Bayreuth. The communicative campus here brings together a wide variety of disciplines and is enormously fruitful in its scientific exchange.
The Welcome Services of the City of Bayreuth offer information and support. The website provides comprehensive information, in German and English, on the subjects of arrival, housing, work, family, education, and leisure & life.
General information
Art and Culture in Bayreuth
General information
Art & culture in Kulmbach
Newly appointed professors
In principle, professors in Bavaria can be employed as civil servants (the standard case) or in an employment relationship under private law. This depends on personal requirements (e.g. age, health suitability, etc.).
If you accept the call to the full professorship offered to you (W2 or W3), you will be appointed to a civil servant relationship for life with the Free State of Bavaria, provided certain personal requirements are met. As a junior professor, you will be appointed as a temporary civil servant. For this purpose, health suitability must be determined by means of a medical examination prior to appointment. As a civil servant, you do not pay social security contributions and are entitled to allowance in the event of illness, covering up to 80% of your medical costs and those of your family. As a result, your net earnings are higher than if you were employed as a salaried employee. As a civil servant, you do not acquire any entitlements to a pension from national German pension insurance, but rather pension entitlements borne by the Free State of Bavaria.
If the personal requirements for appointment as a civil servant are not met, you will be employed under private law. In this case, social security contributions must be paid and you thereby acquire entitlements to a pension from the national German pension insurance.
What do I need to do to prepare for appointment negotiations?
You have received a call to join the University of Bayreuth. As soon as the appointment has been made by the President's secretary, you will be asked to prepare a written proposal on your plans for research and teaching at the University of Bayreuth. Your written proposal will be the basis for the appointment hearing. It should be divided into three areas:
- Detailed concept
- Resources required
- Personal requests
In addition, a separate letter on remuneration must be submitted.
As an orientation, you will receive a handout by e-mail with further information on the relevant contents as well as the contacts responsible for individual areas.
In order to prepare for your negotiations as well as possible, we ask you to send your written proposal to the President via berufungen@uni-bayreuth.de and to the Dean two weeks before the agreed negotiation date at the latest. Especially when assuming chairs in the natural sciences and engineering, we ask you to contact the University's Central Technology Office in good time regarding any necessary alterations to rooms. You will find more detailed information in the handout.
The written proposal should be ten pages in length, and in any case finalized in advance with the dean of the relevant faculty and, if applicable, with the chairperson of the appointment committee.
As a rule, Provost Dr. Nicole Kaiser, President Professor Dr. Stefan Leible, and the Dean of the respective faculty will take part in the appointment hearing.
What happens after appointment negotiations?
After the appointment negotiations, an offer of appointment will be made with the resources discussed. The Registrar's secretary will send this to you following the negotiations, together with a request to report back within a reasonable period whether you accept the offer. If you do, you will return a signed copy to the University. After your acceptance of the call, the Human Resources Department will contact you regarding the necessary recruitment documents. At the same time, the President's secretary will approach you to arrange an appointment to hand over your appointment certificate (in the case of civil servants) or your employment contract (in the case of employment under private law).
Who are my contacts?

Jana Hoffmann
Head of Office
+49 (0)921 / 55-5386
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Dr. Sandra Wölfel
+49 (0)921 / 55-5384
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
If you have any organisational or scheduling concerns, please contact:

Daniela Passing
President's anteroom
+49(0)921 / 55-5201
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.06
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
What do I need to do to prepare for appointment negotiations?
You have received a call to join the University of Bayreuth. As soon as the appointment has been made by the President's secretary, you will be asked to prepare a written proposal on your plans for research and teaching at the University of Bayreuth. Your written proposal will be the basis for the appointment hearing. It should be divided into three areas:
- Detailed concept
- Resources required
- Personal requests
In addition, a separate letter on remuneration must be submitted.
As an orientation, you will receive a handout by e-mail with further information on the relevant contents as well as the contacts responsible for individual areas.
In order to prepare for your negotiations as well as possible, we ask you to send your written proposal to the President via berufungen@uni-bayreuth.de and to the Dean two weeks before the agreed negotiation date at the latest. Especially when assuming chairs in the natural sciences and engineering, we ask you to contact the University's Central Technology Office in good time regarding any necessary alterations to rooms. You will find more detailed information in the handout.
The written proposal should be ten pages in length, and in any case finalized in advance with the dean of the relevant faculty and, if applicable, with the chairperson of the appointment committee.
As a rule, Provost Dr. Nicole Kaiser, President Professor Dr. Stefan Leible, and the Dean of the respective faculty will take part in the appointment hearing.
What happens after appointment negotiations?
After the appointment negotiations, an offer of appointment will be made with the resources discussed. The Registrar's secretary will send this to you following the negotiations, together with a request to report back within a reasonable period whether you accept the offer. If you do, you will return a signed copy to the University. After your acceptance of the call, the Human Resources Department will contact you regarding the necessary recruitment documents. At the same time, the President's secretary will approach you to arrange an appointment to hand over your appointment certificate (in the case of civil servants) or your employment contract (in the case of employment under private law).
Who are my contacts?

Jana Hoffmann
Head of Office
+49 (0)921 / 55-5386
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Dr. Sandra Wölfel
+49 (0)921 / 55-5384
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
If you have any organisational or scheduling concerns, please contact:

Daniela Passing
President's anteroom
+49(0)921 / 55-5201
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.06
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
If you have received a call to a junior professorship at the University of Bayreuth, all the content presented on this page applies for you as well. In addition, we would like to provide you with some further information that specifically concerns junior professors at the University of Bayreuth.
Performance evaluation and interim evaluation
As a junior professor in Bavaria, you are subject to the regulations of Art. 63 BayHIG. In the first phase of the junior professorship, you will be appointed as a temporary civil servant for a period of three or four years. In the third or fourth year of the junior professorship, an interim evaluation of your performance will be carried out by a commission specially appointed for the purpose. This will be based on the objectives set out in a performance agreement at the beginning of your service.
You will receive a draft of the performance agreement together with your letter of appointment. Up to the date of the appointment hearing, you can discuss this document with the chairperson of the appointment committee and the dean of the faculty, and discuss any changes you wish to make. The performance agreement is the subject of the appointment hearing and is signed together with the appointment agreement.
Tenure Track and Tenure Evaluation
If you have applied for a junior professorship with tenure track, a tenure evaluation will take place in the second phase of the junior professorship (usually in the fifth or sixth year). This will also be carried out by a specially appointed commission and will be based on the goals set out in the performance agreement. Find more information on our W1-W3 Bayreuth track here.
Further information can be found on the intranet (login only possible after accepting a call and receiving a so-called bt number):
If you have received a call to a junior professorship at the University of Bayreuth, all the content presented on this page applies for you as well. In addition, we would like to provide you with some further information that specifically concerns junior professors at the University of Bayreuth.
Performance evaluation and interim evaluation
As a junior professor in Bavaria, you are subject to the regulations of Art. 63 BayHIG. In the first phase of the junior professorship, you will be appointed as a temporary civil servant for a period of three or four years. In the third or fourth year of the junior professorship, an interim evaluation of your performance will be carried out by a commission specially appointed for the purpose. This will be based on the objectives set out in a performance agreement at the beginning of your service.
You will receive a draft of the performance agreement together with your letter of appointment. Up to the date of the appointment hearing, you can discuss this document with the chairperson of the appointment committee and the dean of the faculty, and discuss any changes you wish to make. The performance agreement is the subject of the appointment hearing and is signed together with the appointment agreement.
Tenure Track and Tenure Evaluation
If you have applied for a junior professorship with tenure track, a tenure evaluation will take place in the second phase of the junior professorship (usually in the fifth or sixth year). This will also be carried out by a specially appointed commission and will be based on the goals set out in the performance agreement. Find more information on our W1-W3 Bayreuth track here.
Further information can be found on the intranet (login only possible after accepting a call and receiving a so-called bt number):
Here, we would like to inform you about some of the services offered by our service units, administration departments and central facilities that may be helpful to you around the time of starting your position at the University of Bayreuth. You can also find further details and additional documents on our intranet – no login is necessary for this!
Dual Career
Should your partner also come with you to Bayreuth or Kulmbach and seek employment here, you will receive support from our Dual Career Support, Dr. Mabel Braun.
Family-friendly university
If you have concerns about childcare or your children's school attendance, please feel free to raise this as part of your Dual Career concerns. You can find more information on family-friendly working and childcare options on the family-friendly university homepage.
Transfer of externally funded projects
If you already have an externally funded project that you would like to transfer from your current institution to the University of Bayreuth, please approach a contact in Department II/1.1.4, Third-Party Funding Administration/Principal Affairs in the Third-Party Funding Area.
If you have any questions about EU-funded projects, please approach a contact in Research Funding.
Continuing education offerings
For newly appointed W3 professorships, there is a further training programme in three areas:
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate personnel management, organised by the Gender Equality Service Centre, which also offers special courses for female academics
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate communication, organised by the Diversity Service Centre, which also offers other workshops and coaching on topics such as diversity or anti-discrimination
- Designing teaching innovatively, organised by the Centre for Continuing Education in Higher Education (Zentrum Hochschullehre), which offers further seminars on the topic of "teaching", including target group-specific seminars for professors
For junior professors with and without tenure track as well as for other junior researchers (PostDocs, junior research group leaders, post-doctoral lecturers), the Staff Office for Young Academics (WiN) offers a comprehensive range of advisory, support, coaching and further training services. This can be completed, among other things, with the WiN Fund Certificate or Bayreuth WiN Certificate, in addition to individual certificates.
You can find your contacts in administration here:
Here, we would like to inform you about some of the services offered by our service units, administration departments and central facilities that may be helpful to you around the time of starting your position at the University of Bayreuth. You can also find further details and additional documents on our intranet – no login is necessary for this!
Dual Career
Should your partner also come with you to Bayreuth or Kulmbach and seek employment here, you will receive support from our Dual Career Support, Dr. Mabel Braun.
Family-friendly university
If you have concerns about childcare or your children's school attendance, please feel free to raise this as part of your Dual Career concerns. You can find more information on family-friendly working and childcare options on the family-friendly university homepage.
Transfer of externally funded projects
If you already have an externally funded project that you would like to transfer from your current institution to the University of Bayreuth, please approach a contact in Department II/1.1.4, Third-Party Funding Administration/Principal Affairs in the Third-Party Funding Area.
If you have any questions about EU-funded projects, please approach a contact in Research Funding.
Continuing education offerings
For newly appointed W3 professorships, there is a further training programme in three areas:
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate personnel management, organised by the Gender Equality Service Centre, which also offers special courses for female academics
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate communication, organised by the Diversity Service Centre, which also offers other workshops and coaching on topics such as diversity or anti-discrimination
- Designing teaching innovatively, organised by the Centre for Continuing Education in Higher Education (Zentrum Hochschullehre), which offers further seminars on the topic of "teaching", including target group-specific seminars for professors
For junior professors with and without tenure track as well as for other junior researchers (PostDocs, junior research group leaders, post-doctoral lecturers), the Staff Office for Young Academics (WiN) offers a comprehensive range of advisory, support, coaching and further training services. This can be completed, among other things, with the WiN Fund Certificate or Bayreuth WiN Certificate, in addition to individual certificates.
You can find your contacts in administration here:
As a civil servant of the Free State of Bavaria, you are entitled to assistance for medical expenses. This means that the state, as the employer, reimburses part of the sickness and welfare costs for its civil service employees. Depending on your marital status and the number of eligible children, this entitlement is between 50% and 80% of the arising costs. The remaining part of the medical costs must be covered by health insurance.
You can find an introductory statement on the subject of aid at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs (https://www.bmi.bund.de/DE/themen/oeffentlicher-dienst/beamtinnen-und-beamte/beihilfe/beihilfe-node.html). Specific information on the regulations in Bavaria can be found on the websites of the Bavarian State Government and the State Office of Finance:
With regard to health insurance, you basically have two options:
Take out private health insurance with the insurance company of your choice. The private health insurance companies offer partial cost insurance tailored to the individual reimbursement rates which, together with the allowance benefits, usually provide comprehensive coverage of the cost risk in case of illness and care.
Further information on this can be obtained from the private health insurance companies or Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies).
Depending on the number of family members to be insured, this may be the financially more attractive option.
Civil servants who were members of the statutory health insurance scheme (GKV) before joining the civil service can remain voluntary members of the GKV even when they become civil servants. Under certain conditions, family members are also insured free of charge. More information on this can be obtained from the statutory health insurance funds.
However, civil servants who are voluntarily insured in the GKV must pay their health insurance contributions in full themselves; they do not receive a contribution subsidy from their employer.
Although the entitlement to benefits remains in principle, benefits can only be granted in these cases for expenses that are not included in the benefits catalogue of the statutory health insurance.

Sabrina Braun
+49 (0)921 / 55-5219
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.13
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Benedikt Herlitz
+49 (0)921 / 55-5230
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.39
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
As a civil servant of the Free State of Bavaria, you are entitled to assistance for medical expenses. This means that the state, as the employer, reimburses part of the sickness and welfare costs for its civil service employees. Depending on your marital status and the number of eligible children, this entitlement is between 50% and 80% of the arising costs. The remaining part of the medical costs must be covered by health insurance.
You can find an introductory statement on the subject of aid at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs (https://www.bmi.bund.de/DE/themen/oeffentlicher-dienst/beamtinnen-und-beamte/beihilfe/beihilfe-node.html). Specific information on the regulations in Bavaria can be found on the websites of the Bavarian State Government and the State Office of Finance:
With regard to health insurance, you basically have two options:
Take out private health insurance with the insurance company of your choice. The private health insurance companies offer partial cost insurance tailored to the individual reimbursement rates which, together with the allowance benefits, usually provide comprehensive coverage of the cost risk in case of illness and care.
Further information on this can be obtained from the private health insurance companies or Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies).
Depending on the number of family members to be insured, this may be the financially more attractive option.
Civil servants who were members of the statutory health insurance scheme (GKV) before joining the civil service can remain voluntary members of the GKV even when they become civil servants. Under certain conditions, family members are also insured free of charge. More information on this can be obtained from the statutory health insurance funds.
However, civil servants who are voluntarily insured in the GKV must pay their health insurance contributions in full themselves; they do not receive a contribution subsidy from their employer.
Although the entitlement to benefits remains in principle, benefits can only be granted in these cases for expenses that are not included in the benefits catalogue of the statutory health insurance.

Sabrina Braun
+49 (0)921 / 55-5219
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.13
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Benedikt Herlitz
+49 (0)921 / 55-5230
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.39
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Our new international employees unfortunately have to deal with extensive HR department documents and more. We have summarised the other necessary steps for you here.
For stays of more than three months or stays that lead to taking up gainful employment, people who do not have German citizenship generally need a visa. EU citizens, nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are exempt from this requirement.
Applying for Visa
You must apply for a visa for a long-term stay at the competent mission abroad before entering Germany. This is the German representation of the country in which your current place of residence is located. Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America can obtain the necessary residence permit after entering Germany. However, we expressly advise against this, as it can considerably delay the start of employment.
Teachers and academic staff do not need the approval of the local foreigners authority to obtain a visa. This also applies to family members, more precisely minor children as well as spouses and life partners, provided that the marriage or life partnership already existed at the time of entry into Germany.
Registration in Germany
After your arrival in Germany, you must register with the competent registration office within 14 days of your entry. Please make an appointment at the registration office of the city of Bayreuth if your new place of residence is in the City of Bayreuth. Family members travelling with you must also be present at the appointment.
In the City of Kulmbach, please contact the citizens registration office. Alternatively, contact the local municipal administration to register.
Residence permit in Germany
After registering your place of residence, you can contact the competent foreigners authority to apply for resident status. You should do this before your visa and that of your accompanying family expires. The responsibilities are as follows:
City of Bayreuth
Foreigners' Office
Rathaus II
Dr.-Franz-Straße, 95445 Bayreuth
Bayreuth District
Bayreuth District Office
Markgrafenallee 5
95448 Bayreuth
Kulmbach District Office
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 5
95326 Kulmbach
A person of non-German citizenship who is in a civil servant relationship with a German employer receives a residence permit without the consent of the Federal Employment Agency in order to fulfil his or her official duties in the Federal territory. She receives the residence permit for a period of three years if the employment relationship is not limited to a shorter period. After three years, she may be granted a settlement permit, as an unlimited residence permit.
If a civil servant relationship is not established, a residence title can be granted for skilled workers with academic training, in many cases an EU Blue Card, if the requirements are met.
Sources and further information
Further Information
Your contacts for further information and individual advice on visa matters are the staff of Welcome Services of the University of Bayreuth, who can be reached at welcome@uni-bayreuth.de.
Welcome Services of the University Bayreuth
E-Mail: welcome@uni-bayreuth.de
Melina Schnekenbühl: +49 (0)921 / 55-5334
N.N.: +49 (0)921 / 55-5318
Angela Rösler: +49 (0)921/55-5321
Our new international employees unfortunately have to deal with extensive HR department documents and more. We have summarised the other necessary steps for you here.
For stays of more than three months or stays that lead to taking up gainful employment, people who do not have German citizenship generally need a visa. EU citizens, nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are exempt from this requirement.
Applying for Visa
You must apply for a visa for a long-term stay at the competent mission abroad before entering Germany. This is the German representation of the country in which your current place of residence is located. Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America can obtain the necessary residence permit after entering Germany. However, we expressly advise against this, as it can considerably delay the start of employment.
Teachers and academic staff do not need the approval of the local foreigners authority to obtain a visa. This also applies to family members, more precisely minor children as well as spouses and life partners, provided that the marriage or life partnership already existed at the time of entry into Germany.
Registration in Germany
After your arrival in Germany, you must register with the competent registration office within 14 days of your entry. Please make an appointment at the registration office of the city of Bayreuth if your new place of residence is in the City of Bayreuth. Family members travelling with you must also be present at the appointment.
In the City of Kulmbach, please contact the citizens registration office. Alternatively, contact the local municipal administration to register.
Residence permit in Germany
After registering your place of residence, you can contact the competent foreigners authority to apply for resident status. You should do this before your visa and that of your accompanying family expires. The responsibilities are as follows:
City of Bayreuth
Foreigners' Office
Rathaus II
Dr.-Franz-Straße, 95445 Bayreuth
Bayreuth District
Bayreuth District Office
Markgrafenallee 5
95448 Bayreuth
Kulmbach District Office
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 5
95326 Kulmbach
A person of non-German citizenship who is in a civil servant relationship with a German employer receives a residence permit without the consent of the Federal Employment Agency in order to fulfil his or her official duties in the Federal territory. She receives the residence permit for a period of three years if the employment relationship is not limited to a shorter period. After three years, she may be granted a settlement permit, as an unlimited residence permit.
If a civil servant relationship is not established, a residence title can be granted for skilled workers with academic training, in many cases an EU Blue Card, if the requirements are met.
Sources and further information
Further Information
Your contacts for further information and individual advice on visa matters are the staff of Welcome Services of the University of Bayreuth, who can be reached at welcome@uni-bayreuth.de.
Welcome Services of the University Bayreuth
E-Mail: welcome@uni-bayreuth.de
Melina Schnekenbühl: +49 (0)921 / 55-5334
N.N.: +49 (0)921 / 55-5318
Angela Rösler: +49 (0)921/55-5321
What do I need to do to prepare for appointment negotiations?
You have received a call to join the University of Bayreuth. As soon as the appointment has been made by the President's secretary, you will be asked to prepare a written proposal on your plans for research and teaching at the University of Bayreuth. Your written proposal will be the basis for the appointment hearing. It should be divided into three areas:
- Detailed concept
- Resources required
- Personal requests
In addition, a separate letter on remuneration must be submitted.
As an orientation, you will receive a handout by e-mail with further information on the relevant contents as well as the contacts responsible for individual areas.
In order to prepare for your negotiations as well as possible, we ask you to send your written proposal to the President via berufungen@uni-bayreuth.de and to the Dean two weeks before the agreed negotiation date at the latest. Especially when assuming chairs in the natural sciences and engineering, we ask you to contact the University's Central Technology Office in good time regarding any necessary alterations to rooms. You will find more detailed information in the handout.
The written proposal should be ten pages in length, and in any case finalized in advance with the dean of the relevant faculty and, if applicable, with the chairperson of the appointment committee.
As a rule, Provost Dr. Nicole Kaiser, President Professor Dr. Stefan Leible, and the Dean of the respective faculty will take part in the appointment hearing.
What happens after appointment negotiations?
After the appointment negotiations, an offer of appointment will be made with the resources discussed. The Registrar's secretary will send this to you following the negotiations, together with a request to report back within a reasonable period whether you accept the offer. If you do, you will return a signed copy to the University. After your acceptance of the call, the Human Resources Department will contact you regarding the necessary recruitment documents. At the same time, the President's secretary will approach you to arrange an appointment to hand over your appointment certificate (in the case of civil servants) or your employment contract (in the case of employment under private law).
Who are my contacts?

Jana Hoffmann
Head of Office
+49 (0)921 / 55-5386
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Dr. Sandra Wölfel
+49 (0)921 / 55-5384
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.03
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
If you have any organisational or scheduling concerns, please contact:

Daniela Passing
President's anteroom
+49(0)921 / 55-5201
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.06
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
If you have received a call to a junior professorship at the University of Bayreuth, all the content presented on this page applies for you as well. In addition, we would like to provide you with some further information that specifically concerns junior professors at the University of Bayreuth.
Performance evaluation and interim evaluation
As a junior professor in Bavaria, you are subject to the regulations of Art. 63 BayHIG. In the first phase of the junior professorship, you will be appointed as a temporary civil servant for a period of three or four years. In the third or fourth year of the junior professorship, an interim evaluation of your performance will be carried out by a commission specially appointed for the purpose. This will be based on the objectives set out in a performance agreement at the beginning of your service.
You will receive a draft of the performance agreement together with your letter of appointment. Up to the date of the appointment hearing, you can discuss this document with the chairperson of the appointment committee and the dean of the faculty, and discuss any changes you wish to make. The performance agreement is the subject of the appointment hearing and is signed together with the appointment agreement.
Tenure Track and Tenure Evaluation
If you have applied for a junior professorship with tenure track, a tenure evaluation will take place in the second phase of the junior professorship (usually in the fifth or sixth year). This will also be carried out by a specially appointed commission and will be based on the goals set out in the performance agreement. Find more information on our W1-W3 Bayreuth track here.
Further information can be found on the intranet (login only possible after accepting a call and receiving a so-called bt number):
Here, we would like to inform you about some of the services offered by our service units, administration departments and central facilities that may be helpful to you around the time of starting your position at the University of Bayreuth. You can also find further details and additional documents on our intranet – no login is necessary for this!
Dual Career
Should your partner also come with you to Bayreuth or Kulmbach and seek employment here, you will receive support from our Dual Career Support, Dr. Mabel Braun.
Family-friendly university
If you have concerns about childcare or your children's school attendance, please feel free to raise this as part of your Dual Career concerns. You can find more information on family-friendly working and childcare options on the family-friendly university homepage.
Transfer of externally funded projects
If you already have an externally funded project that you would like to transfer from your current institution to the University of Bayreuth, please approach a contact in Department II/1.1.4, Third-Party Funding Administration/Principal Affairs in the Third-Party Funding Area.
If you have any questions about EU-funded projects, please approach a contact in Research Funding.
Continuing education offerings
For newly appointed W3 professorships, there is a further training programme in three areas:
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate personnel management, organised by the Gender Equality Service Centre, which also offers special courses for female academics
- Gender- and diversity-appropriate communication, organised by the Diversity Service Centre, which also offers other workshops and coaching on topics such as diversity or anti-discrimination
- Designing teaching innovatively, organised by the Centre for Continuing Education in Higher Education (Zentrum Hochschullehre), which offers further seminars on the topic of "teaching", including target group-specific seminars for professors
For junior professors with and without tenure track as well as for other junior researchers (PostDocs, junior research group leaders, post-doctoral lecturers), the Staff Office for Young Academics (WiN) offers a comprehensive range of advisory, support, coaching and further training services. This can be completed, among other things, with the WiN Fund Certificate or Bayreuth WiN Certificate, in addition to individual certificates.
You can find your contacts in administration here:
As a civil servant of the Free State of Bavaria, you are entitled to assistance for medical expenses. This means that the state, as the employer, reimburses part of the sickness and welfare costs for its civil service employees. Depending on your marital status and the number of eligible children, this entitlement is between 50% and 80% of the arising costs. The remaining part of the medical costs must be covered by health insurance.
You can find an introductory statement on the subject of aid at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs (https://www.bmi.bund.de/DE/themen/oeffentlicher-dienst/beamtinnen-und-beamte/beihilfe/beihilfe-node.html). Specific information on the regulations in Bavaria can be found on the websites of the Bavarian State Government and the State Office of Finance:
With regard to health insurance, you basically have two options:
Take out private health insurance with the insurance company of your choice. The private health insurance companies offer partial cost insurance tailored to the individual reimbursement rates which, together with the allowance benefits, usually provide comprehensive coverage of the cost risk in case of illness and care.
Further information on this can be obtained from the private health insurance companies or Verband der privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies).
Depending on the number of family members to be insured, this may be the financially more attractive option.
Civil servants who were members of the statutory health insurance scheme (GKV) before joining the civil service can remain voluntary members of the GKV even when they become civil servants. Under certain conditions, family members are also insured free of charge. More information on this can be obtained from the statutory health insurance funds.
However, civil servants who are voluntarily insured in the GKV must pay their health insurance contributions in full themselves; they do not receive a contribution subsidy from their employer.
Although the entitlement to benefits remains in principle, benefits can only be granted in these cases for expenses that are not included in the benefits catalogue of the statutory health insurance.

Sabrina Braun
+49 (0)921 / 55-5219
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.13
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Benedikt Herlitz
+49 (0)921 / 55-5230
Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV), Office 2.39
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Our new international employees unfortunately have to deal with extensive HR department documents and more. We have summarised the other necessary steps for you here.
For stays of more than three months or stays that lead to taking up gainful employment, people who do not have German citizenship generally need a visa. EU citizens, nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are exempt from this requirement.
Applying for Visa
You must apply for a visa for a long-term stay at the competent mission abroad before entering Germany. This is the German representation of the country in which your current place of residence is located. Citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America can obtain the necessary residence permit after entering Germany. However, we expressly advise against this, as it can considerably delay the start of employment.
Teachers and academic staff do not need the approval of the local foreigners authority to obtain a visa. This also applies to family members, more precisely minor children as well as spouses and life partners, provided that the marriage or life partnership already existed at the time of entry into Germany.
Registration in Germany
After your arrival in Germany, you must register with the competent registration office within 14 days of your entry. Please make an appointment at the registration office of the city of Bayreuth if your new place of residence is in the City of Bayreuth. Family members travelling with you must also be present at the appointment.
In the City of Kulmbach, please contact the citizens registration office. Alternatively, contact the local municipal administration to register.
Residence permit in Germany
After registering your place of residence, you can contact the competent foreigners authority to apply for resident status. You should do this before your visa and that of your accompanying family expires. The responsibilities are as follows:
City of Bayreuth
Foreigners' Office
Rathaus II
Dr.-Franz-Straße, 95445 Bayreuth
Bayreuth District
Bayreuth District Office
Markgrafenallee 5
95448 Bayreuth
Kulmbach District Office
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 5
95326 Kulmbach
A person of non-German citizenship who is in a civil servant relationship with a German employer receives a residence permit without the consent of the Federal Employment Agency in order to fulfil his or her official duties in the Federal territory. She receives the residence permit for a period of three years if the employment relationship is not limited to a shorter period. After three years, she may be granted a settlement permit, as an unlimited residence permit.
If a civil servant relationship is not established, a residence title can be granted for skilled workers with academic training, in many cases an EU Blue Card, if the requirements are met.
Sources and further information
Further Information
Your contacts for further information and individual advice on visa matters are the staff of Welcome Services of the University of Bayreuth, who can be reached at welcome@uni-bayreuth.de.
Welcome Services of the University Bayreuth
E-Mail: welcome@uni-bayreuth.de
Melina Schnekenbühl: +49 (0)921 / 55-5334
N.N.: +49 (0)921 / 55-5318
Angela Rösler: +49 (0)921/55-5321
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