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A young man stands in front of a class at a flip chart.

Professional education teacher training

You aspire to teach at a vocational school? Then a teacher training programme at the University of Bayreuth is the right choice for you! Choose between the area of metal technology or electrical engineering.

You will be taught the basics of engineering, supplemented by the study of education sciences and the study of another subject. Here you can choose between chemistry, German, English*, computer science, mathematics, physics, and sport*. The programme is divided into a bachelor's and a master's phase. The master's degree entitles you to enter the preparatory service (= traineeship) in the Free State of Bavaria.

*Aptitude test required

Emphasis on Metal Technology

One special feature of the Bayreuth programme lies in the close interlocking of the degree programme with related bachelor's and master's programmes in the engineering sciences. We aim to nurture interdisciplinary skills and thus prepare you as well as possible for professional life, in order to meet the different technical requirements of your future field of employment. During your training, you will benefit from the latest findings in engineering and material sciences. Within the vocational specialisation, the sub-areas of manufacturing, construction, control, and metal technology form the basic pillars of the study programme. 

For further information, see the degree programme homepage. 

Emphasis on Electrical Engineering

 The close integration of the degree programme with related bachelor's and master's degree programmes from the engineering sciences and vocational training in metal technology also sets standards in this subject area. During your studies, you will learn about all the interrelationships of electrical engineering in theory and practice. The degree programme is made up of modules that correspond to the sub-fields of electrical engineering: measurement and control technology, sensor technology, signal processing, energy storage, and circuit technology.

For further information, see the degree programme homepage. 

Essential details at a glance


B.Ed., M.Ed.

General or relevant subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or vocational qualification; language skills: German B2

Admission restrictions

Aptitude test for sports and English

Start of studies


Standard period of study

10 semesters (6 bachelor‘s, 4 master‘s)

Language of instruction


Programme coordination

List of representatives of the individual subjects taught (PDF)

Important documents

Module handbooks (see degree programme homepage), examination regulations

Examination authority responsible

Teacher training examination authority

Why you should study in Bayreuth

Look forward to a campus with everything at hand and excellent study conditions at the Faculty of Engineering Science. Since 2012, “the Ing." has been awarded the seal of approval of the Faculty Association of Mechanical and Process Engineering every year, and so meets the highest quality standards.

Close connection to the research foci of “the Ing.”

Both degree programmes are closely linked to the research foci of the Faculty of Engineering Science. The material science research groups are internationally renowned for their top research.

  • Close integration with related bachelor's and master's programmes 
    The bachelor's programme in Professional Education Teacher Training, Emphasis on Metal Technology or Electrical Engineering, is closely interlinked with related bachelor's and master's programmes in the engineering sciences.

  • Excellent supervision Betreuungsverhältnis
    You have personal contact with the lecturers. Working in small groups allows for intensive support.

  • A Faculty that promotes international exchange
    For example, there are exchange programmes with universities in Spain, Japan, Thailand, and many more countries. The research-oriented programme introduces you to current issues in the engineering sciences and familiarizes you with future-oriented approaches in finding solutions.


Academic advising for students of the engineering sciences

Programme coordinator for the bachelor's programme

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Glatzel
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-5555/ -6601, Fax: -5561
E-mail: uwe.glatzel@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr.-Ing. Florian Scherm
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-5566/ -6605, Fax: -5561
E-mail: florian.scherm@uni-bayreuth.de