Plain language: General information on studying
What is a degree course?
A degree course is a special form of vocational training.
In a degree programme, students learn to think and work scientifically.
A degree programme consists of attending lectures. In addition, there are usually also practical classes. However, students have to learn a lot by themselves.
A degree programme is divided into semesters. There is the winter semester. And there is the summer semester. Each semester lasts 6 months. There are usually exams at the end of a semester.
To complete their studies, students have to take an scientific final examination. There are different final examinations. After each of these final examinations, students can stop studying and look for a job.
Or they can continue their studies. Then they will gain more knowledge. If students continue to study, they choose a certain field of knowledge. Then, a few semesters later, students take the next final examination.
Bachelor is an English word and is pronounced Batch-ella.
A bachelor is a first degree.
Students need to write an scientific paper for this degree.
Students can normally get bachelor’s degree after 6-8 semesters.
Anyone who wishes to keep studying after this,
must pass their bachelor’s degree.
A passed bachelor’s degree is a pre-requisite for master’s studies.
Master is also an English word,
It is pronounced Mars-ta.
Students can do their master’s after their bachelor’s degree.
It is a post-graduate course.
Sudents do a master’s course if,
for example:
They wish to continue studying in another field of study.
This field of study must be compatible with the bachelor’s degree already passed.
They wish to learn and know more about their field of knowledge.
Students also complete their master’s course
with an scientific paper.
This academic paper is called a master’s thesis, and is difficult.
Other final examinations
There are final examinations in the teacher training and law degree programmes.
These final examinations are called Staats-Examen.
Students can also do their doctorate at the University of Bayreuth.
Doing a doctorate means students write a doctoral thesis
and make their own contribution to research.
This research work includes:
- the researchers considering a specific question
- the researchers conducting an investigation into this question
- the researchers evaluating the results of the investigation
- the researchers defending their work before an
examination committee.
Defend means: - the researchers answering questions about their
Most students spend 3 years writing their doctoral thesis.
Can people study without a higher school-leaving certificate?
Normally, people need the Abitur to study.
But there are other possibilities.
For example, people are allowed to study,
- if they have passed their master craftsman's examination in a skilled trade.
- if they have passed the Fach-Akademie für Sozial-Pädagogik (Academy of Social Pedagogy course).
- if they fulfil other specific requirements.
You can find more about this in difficult language here:
Studying without a school-leaving university entrance qualification
Offerings for pupils
The University of Bayreuth even offers school pupils
many interesting opportunities.
Anyone looking for answers to exciting questions,
Bayreuth’s University for Children is just the right place.
You can find out more in difficult language here:
KinderUniversität Bayreuth
There are further opportunities for pupils
to get in touch with the University of Bayreuth.
You can find more information in difficult language here:
Courses for pupils
There are many reasons to study in Bayreuth.
For example:
The University of Bayreuth has some special and seldom-offered degree programmes
such as:
Sports Economics
This is a mixture of business administration, sports, legal science
and a practical sports education.
African Culture and Society
Students study the languages, culture,
and art of various African countries.
The University of Bayreuth is so-called campus university.
That means:
The various buildings are close to each other.
The halls of residence are also close by.
Students often meet on the campus grounds.
Students find it easy to make contacts at a campus university.
Bayreuth's location is ideal for nature-lovers.
The Franken-Jura and the Fichtel Mountains are close by.
There are many opportunities for leisure activities.
Students can easily reach nearby cities.
The train to Nuremberg takes 1 hour,
and to Munich about 2.5 hours.
Even the train to Prague only takes 3 hours.
Tips for first semester students
The University of Bayreuth supports students who are new to the University.
For example, there is a special campus app.
The campus app is called UBT.
This app is designed to help organise
everyday life at the University.
In the UBT campus app, students can find:
- E-mails,
- events and dates,
- the cafeteria meal plan,
- and an overview of their own grades.
What counselling services are there?
The University of Bayreuth has many counselling centres.
For example, Student Advising.
Student advising means:
Some students do not yet know exactly what they want to study.
That's why there is a student advising service.
The staff there advise students
on what exactly they can study.
You can find more information in difficult language here:
Student Advising (in German language).
There are many more counselling services.
For example:
- What financial
support is there for students?
- Studying with a disability or chronic illness.
You can find out more about this in difficult language here:
studying with a disability or chronic illness. - Advice and support in cases of discrimination, harassment,
and conflict.
You can find more information in difficult language here:
Advice on and support with discrimination, harassment and conflict - Help in legal matters
- Tips on affordable living and studying
And much more.
Also of interest:
What can you find on the website of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
General information on the University of Bayreuth. Click here.
What research is being done at the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
With what countries is the University of Bayreuth in contact? Click here.
What else besides studying can you do on the grounds of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
What sort of links are there between the University and business? Click here.
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