Logo Universität Bayreuth
Symbol of easy language: A stylized smiley reads the newspaper and shows thumbs up

Plain language: What sort of links are there between the University and business?

Companies want to be successful.
To be so, companies need well-trained employees.
In addition, companies need information
about the latest state of research and development.
The University of Bayreuth helps with this.
The University of Bayreuth has been working closely
with companies for many years.

Also of interest:

What can you find on the website of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.

General information on the University of Bayreuth. Click here.

General information on studying. Click here.

What research is being done at the University of Bayreuth? Click here.

With what countries is the University of Bayreuth in contact? Click here.

What else besides studying can you do on the grounds of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.

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The content of this website has been created in “Leicht Lesen” (Easy Reading).
This sign is a seal of quality.

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Kompetenz-Zentrum für Barrierefreiheit der Rummelsberger Diakonie (Competence Centre for Easy Access of the Rummelsberg Deaconry).

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A2: even easier to understand
A1: easiest to understand