Development Studies, Master of Arts (M.A.)
Processes of development, change, and globalization in Latin America, Asia, and Africa are playing an increasingly important global role in this day and age. The interdisciplinary master’s programme “Development Studies” addresses the causes, conditions, and consequences of such processes.

A great degree programme for all those who like to deal with the challenges of development cooperation in an interdisciplinary way. The lecturers are very committed and helpful with problems. The University's focus on Africa is particularly interesting for me.
Änni, Rating on studycheck.de
- Faculty
- Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences / Interdisciplinary Studies
- Final degree
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Start of Studies
- Winter semester
- Standard period of study
- 4 semesters
- Language of instruction
- German and English; English track available
- Admission Requirements
- Jump to: How do I apply?
The students have the chance to look at “development” from different perspectives, to link methodological and theoretical approaches, and to detect connections between social, political, and spatial conditions. During your studies, you will gain the ability to analyse development problems and processes of global and local change, to discuss them in consideration of theories from the social sciences and economics, and to apply them in practice as part of a projectfocussed unit of study.
Thanks to
the programme’s interdisciplinary approach, you will be alert and open
to the theoretical and methodological diversity that you will encounter
again and again, even in practical work in the field of development.
This will in turn enable you to better understand and assess complex
development processes.
Structure and content
Students chose one out of three individual focuses. The programme includes activities that represent a total of 120 ECTS, resulting from the following areas:
- Foundations (28 ECTS)
- Advanced Foundations (20 ECTS)
- Individual Focus on Advanced Global Sociology and Politics (18 ECTS)
- Individual Focus on Advanced Global Geography (18 ECTS)
- Individual Focus on Advanced International Economics (18 ECTS)
- Individual Development and Practical Experience (28 ECTS)
- Master's Thesis (26 ECTS)
The University of Bayreuth's focus on Africa
The University of Bayreuth's focus on Africa was already established when the University was founded in 1975. You can access a broad, interdisciplinary range of courses on Africa. In the Bayreuth University Library, you have access to the second largest book and media collection on Africa in Germany with currently 155,000 volumes and media. Further academic qualification in African studies is offered by the Bayreuth’s BIGSAS Graduate School.
Double Degree in Geography: Bayreuth & Bordeaux
The Universities of Bayreuth and Bordeaux Montaigne offer three Development Studies students with the specialisation in Geography per year the opportunity to obtain a double degree. Equally, three places are offered to students of ‘Géographie – Études du Développement’ in Bordeaux. For more information, please see the program website.
Double Degree for Specialisation "International Economics": Bayreuth & Bordeaux
The Universities of Bayreuth and Bordeaux offer the opportunity to obtain a prestigious double degree from both institutions. The Double Degree programme allows students to study at both universities and obtain a degree from each of them. Up to five students pursuing Development Studies with a specialisation in International Economics per year can benefit from this opportunity. For more information, please see the program website.
The range of international areas of activity open to development experts is immense and continues to grow as the Global South gains more and more economic and political significance.
Examples include:
- Institutions active in development cooperation or with strong ties to the Global South, from ministries and national development agencies to the United Nations
- Private organizations active in development cooperation such as Brot für die Welt, Care, Caritas, Oxfam, or Welthungerhilfe
- Internationally active businesses in industry, trade, and finance
- Industry federations: chambers of foreign trade and business associations
- Media and cultural institutions
Completing a doctorate at the University of Bayreuth
The University of Bayreuth Graduate School supervises doctoral students of all subjects who are pursuing a doctorate in a structured programme or at one of the University's seven faculties. We facilitate scientific exchange already in the earliest phase of independent research, and complement the interdisciplinary education of doctoral students with additional teaching and training opportunities. Our aim is to create the perfect research and learning conditions for them.
You can find all the information on doctoral studies in Bayreuth on the homepage of the Junior Scholar Office WiN.
BIGSAS (Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies)
Specific features
- Part-time study is possible.
- Double Degree (Option Geography)
- Double Degree (Option Economics)
Involved research facilities
- Development Economics
- Development Studies in Geography
- Institutional Economics (in German language)
- African Politics and Development Policy
- Political Geography
- Social Geography (in German language)
- Sociology of Africa
- an other departments
Semester fee
The University of Bayreuth does not charge tuition fees. However, every student must pay the semester fee. This includes the fees for the Studentenwerk Oberfranken and the semester ticket for the use of public transport in the cities of Bayreuth and Kulmbach and in many parts of the regional transport system.
Notes on application and enrollment
Application period
for German and EU citizens:
1 March to 15 October for winter semesterfor non EU citizens:
1 March to 15 July for winter semesterApplication guide
Individual information on the application process (documents, deadlines, link to the application portal)
click here for German version
Admission requirements
Admission Restrictions / Application
Please submit the required application documents no later than 15 July.
Please take note of the additional information on the course website
A bachelor's degree with an examination grade of “2.5” or better in "Interdisciplinary African Studies" or "International Economics & Development" or "Geographies of international Development, Focus on Africa" or "Philosophy and Economics" or "Geography: Society and Environment" or "Culture & Society in the subject area Sociology from the University of Bayreuth, or an equivalent degree
Equivalency of the completed bachelor's degree is the responsibility of the board of examiners and is not determined conclusively until the application process is under way; for this reason, no information can be provided in advance
Other Admission Requirement
Evidence of a career-relevant internship of at least 4 weeks or professional experience in a qualifying area of practice
Language Proficiency
Applying Without a Degree Certificate
Applications may already be submitted before completion of the bachelor's degree; however, a total of at least 150 credits and a minimum grade of "2.5" are required by the time of application
Special Conditions
Conditional admission is possible; special conditions may comprise up to 30 credit points (see Examination Regulations § 2 para 2)
- Administrative Note
Please be aware that foreign applicants need to successfully apply for a student visa before entering Germany unless you are a citizen of a member state of the European Union or of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Switzerland. The proof of adequate funding is usually a prerequisite for visa issuing. The University of Bayreuth has no scholarship programme for the M.A. level. For all requests concerning the visa application please consult the Federal Foreign Office website or contact your nearest German Embassy or Consulate-General. Considering your application for admission, please also get in touch with the University of Bayreuth International Office.
The module handbook provides an overview of the various modules that must be taken in a degree programme. It contains all the important explanations on the requirements and types of module examinations as well as on the intermediate or final examinations and serves as a kind of study guide for orientation.
Examination regulations
Examination regulations lay down the content and structure of a specific degree programme in a legally binding manner. They must be approved by the Ministry of Science or accredited by an accreditation agency.
Contact points in the department
- Programme coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg - Study coordinator:
Dr. Barbara Polak - Student Council:
Student Council KuWi (in German language)
Central contact points
- Prospective students:
Student Advising (in German language) - For international students:
International Office - Examination Office: Examination Office Faculty V - Humanities & Social Sciences
- African Studies (M.A.)
- Economics, Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies (EIMAS), Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Global History, Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Human Geography – Urban and Regional Research, Master of Science (M.Sc.)
- International Economy & Governance (M.A.)
- Religion & Global Futures, Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Social & Cultural Anthropology, Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Africa-Competence (AfriZert)
- China-Competence (SinoZert)in German language
- Data Literacyin German language
- Entrepreneurshipin German language
- Interculturality Research and Intercultural Practicein German language
- Intersectionality Studies & Diversity Competenciesin English language
- Sustainabilityin German language
- Teaching German as a foreign languagein German language
- Theatre Educationin German language
Any more questions? Please contact the coordinator of the degree programme.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Stroh-SteckelbergProfessor of African Politics and Development Policy
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4115
E-mail: developmentstudies@uni-bayreuth.de
Geisteswissenschaften II (GWII)
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Have we aroused your interest? You can find all information about the Master's programme Development Studies at the University of Bayreuth on the website.