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An IWG student in conversation with Prof. Leschke

International Economics & Governance, Master of Arts (M.A.)

In the 21st century, a responsible coexistence of business, politics, and society is becoming increasingly important. At both the international and national levels, it is necessary to understand more precisely the interaction between state and private actors. This requires sound, internationally oriented, specialist and methodological knowledge, which the Master's programme "International Economics & Governance" systematically imparts. 

Platzhalterbild Person
Regardless of which area of business you come from, and which areas you would like to specialise in: The master's programme in International Business and Governance offers many opportunities to shape your own course with approachable chairs, good lecturers, and interesting course content. Moreover, many seminars allow you to delve deeper into topics of interest.

Nadine, Rating on studycheck.de

This degree programme is taught in German.

Good knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite to successfully completing the degree programme. Proof of German language proficiency at B2 level or equivalent is required for admission. For detailed information, please see the German version of the study programme site.

Any more questions? Please contact the coordinator of the degree programme.

Prof. Dr. Martin Leschke

Prof. Dr. Martin LeschkeChair of Economics V

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-6040
E-mail: martin.leschke@uni-bayreuth.de

Rechtswissenschaften I (RW I), Office 
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

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