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Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the University of Bayreuth

The digitization of university processes continues to advance. The University of Bayreuth also takes this topic seriously. It has therefore created the position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) who pulls together all the threads of the University’s IT strategy.

What does the CIO do?

Constitution of the University of Bayreuth, §22 para 4: “1The Chief Information Officer (CIO) shall develop the IT strategic goals and implementation concepts for a common IT management of the University of Bayreuth in an ongoing process of updating.  2The CIO reports to the Presidential Advisory Committee for Information & Communication Technology and makes recommendations. 3The CIO is either the University of Bayreuth's Vice President for Digitization, Innovation & Sustainability or a university lecturer from among the active professors or junior professors.  4The CIO and his or her deputy shall be appointed by the University Governing Board for a term of three years.”

Who is the CIO?

Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann has been appointed CIO of the University of Bayreuth for the period from 01.09.2021 to 31.8.2024.  

You can reach him at cio@uni-bayreuth.de or 0921/55-7661.

How do CIOs at other universities throughout Bavaria and Germany work together?

The CIOs and university computer centres of the Bavarian universities work together across university types in the "Digitalverbund Bayern". This was founded in 2022 as part of the Higher Education Innovation Act. You will find more information on the Digitalverbund Bayern page from 2023. 

Across Germany, higher education computing centres cooperate, for example, in the German Initiative for Network Information e.V. (DINI) and the Centres for Communication and Information Processing e.V.. The CIOs contribute their views in the Higher Education Forum on Digitization as well as in the Hochschul-CIO e.V. (Higher Education CIO Association).

Areas of responsibility and further information