Digital Agenda 2025: The IT Strategy of the University of Bayreuth 2021 to 2025
"It's the unpredictable that makes the plan a challenge." – The words of German chemist Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger sum up the coronavirus years. Long-term plans became short-term challenges that had to be overcome. It was not a question of if, but how quickly they could be implemented. The long-term Digital Agenda for 2021 to 2025 was also affected.
Blended learning teaching concepts, flipped classrooms, electronic distance examinations, digital examination files with online viewing: all introduced in 2020 – not in 2024 or 2025 – as actually planned. Concepts that should normally have been implemented cautiously after careful consideration are already there at the beginning of this Digital Agenda. Important discussions about strategic issues, long-term budget security, staff allocations, data protection, and information security, on the other hand, had to be postponed. Fortunately, many concerns have been dispelled. Recording 25,000 teaching videos via the video platform Panopto was technically easier than expected, but took a lot of energy and time. Our internet access did not collapse under the load of the video streams as we had feared, but our own Panopto server farm is hardly free of operating costs.
This aspect of the digitisation of universities should not be concealed either: new, permanent financial resources and positions are increasingly needed to be able to operate the status quo of meaningful support for research and teaching. Especially for a university of our size, annual software licences and maintenance costs, for example, as well as hardware procurement for research infrastructure and multimedia equipment for teaching rooms that recurs over several years, add up to large, sometimes huge, amounts of expenditure. This development will continue, and we, like many other universities, will have to find a way to cope.
Over the past five years, the University of Bayreuth has established itself as a pioneer and trailblazer among Bavarian and indeed all German universities. Over the next five years, we can cement this status with more substantial measures, and together take the University to even greater heights.
The path to the goal: The measures of our digitalization strategy
In our Digital Agenda 2025, we list very specific measures. You can find an excerpt here.
Goals and fields of action for digitisation in research
providing the infrastructure to support end-to-end research data management
- conception and implementation of a research information system
- increasing the profile of research achievement through further development of digital publication channels.
- support in the indexing and presentation of research data and collections of digital media.
- support from Keylab HPC (Research Centre for Scientific Computing).
- establishment of an overarching structure for digital science
Goals and fields of action for digitisation in teaching
creation of virtual teaching and learning spaces
- expansion and continuous professionalisation of recording and streaming options.
- expanding and intensifying support for teachers in the creation of educational resources.
- purposeful use of electronic forms of examination
- to create a consistent and transparent database for the entire student life cycle.
- integration of mobile devices into classroom teaching
Goals and fields of action for Third Mission
Introduction of customer relationship management to maintain and intensify relations with our partners in society, business, and government, as well as our alumni.
Goals and fields of action for digitalization in administration
consolidation of study applications and onboarding of first-year students.
- digital transfer of academic credits
- structuring data analysis in study and teaching
- prototypical implementation of requirements contained in the Online Access Act
- organisational and process development
- support of the complex communication and administration processes involved; integrated information management
Goals and fields of action for governance of digitalization
improving support for researchers
- continuation of information security management
Your Contacts

Prof. Dr. Susanne TittlbachVice President for Digitalization and Innovation
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3487
Sportinstitut (SPORT), Office 1.18
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth

Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann Business & Information Systems Engineering
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7661
Angewandte Informatik (AI), Office 1.08
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth