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Sociology, Master of Arts (M.A.)

People are not simply individuals who live from within themselves, but social beings whose actions and actions are inconceivable without mutual orientation, influence, and judgement. The person, in their manifold social relations, and the social orders which they create in interaction with others, and in which they live, are the subject of sociology. Its task is to grasp these social references and orders in all their diversity and relations to politics, the economy, law, religion, and culture, and to analyse their meaning and function.

Platzhalterbild Person
The Sociology programme in Bayreuth not only has a qualitative orientation overall, it is also qualitatively valuable. It is particularly suitable for people who wish to distance themselves from the fast pace and superficiality of teaching, and who have the time and leisure to deal with the content intensively and thoroughly. The size of seminars is usually very small, which is why topics can be dealt with at a high level and in great depth, and great conversations result.

Michelle, Rating on studycheck.de

This degree programme is taught in German.

Good knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite to successfully completing the degree programme. Proof of German and English language proficiency at B2 level or equivalent is required for admission. For detailed information, please see the German version of the study programme site.

Any more questions? Please contact the subject advisors.

Tom Kaden

Dr. Tom Kaden

E-mail: tom.kaden@uni-bayreuth.de
Office: Room 2.21, Building Geisteswissenschaften II (GW II)
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth 

Dr. Andreas Kögel

Dr. Andreas Kögel

E-mail: andreas1.koegel@uni-bayreuth.de
Office: Room 2.20, Building Geisteswissenschaften II (GW II)
Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth

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