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Our Internationalization Strategy

Cosmopolitan campus, global networks, lived diversity –  this is what the University of Bayreuth stands for. For us, responsible and sustainable internationality is a basic prerequisite for future-oriented research and higher education – in addition to our regional roots and our local social responsibility, which we are happy to acknowledge and assume.

With its 2030 Internationalization Strategy, the University of Bayreuth is continuing on its successful internationalization roadmap of previous years, but also breaking new ground and defining innovative goals and measures.

The 2021 Internationalization Strategy Paper was approved by all relevant committees of the University and is currently being prepared for publication. It is dedicated to the central strategy pillars of:

  • Cosmopolitan Campus
  • Communication
  • Global Networks
  • Internationalization Profile Data

Your contacts

Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler

Prof. Dr. Nina NestlerVice-President for Internationalization, Gender Equality & Diversity

Dr. Arnim Heinemann

Dr. Arnim HeinemannDirector of International Office

The University of Bayreuth’s Gateway Offices