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Information for teachers and school administrators

University and school – they go together because both institutions are committed to educational work. We would like to establish a lively exchange between the schools in the region and the University of Bayreuth in a partnership of equals, because your pupils are our students, the talents and specialists of tomorrow.  

Our offers are designed to support you in providing your pupils with targeted advice and preparing them for university studies. Together with you, we would like to encourage new cooperations between university and school, honour long-standing partnerships, further promote the regional networking of the University of Bayreuth with Upper Franconian schools, and entrench the University of Bayreuth and its educational offers even more firmly in the region.

Early study – information for schools

Of course, there are always students in every year group who are particularly gifted and for whom the required school workload is simply not enough. Here you can find out how Early Study is organised and what you as a school might want to consider. 

Pupil Study Programme

The Pupil Study Programme is intended for pupils who wish to study a subject in depth. They choose a degree programme and usually attend regular first semester courses one day a week. In the process, they are enrolled with guest auditor status and have access to the infrastructure of the University of Bayreuth via their campus card. Like regular students, the pupils can provide proof of assessment (e.g. written exam, seminar presentation), which can be used in a relevant study programme later.

Unitag (Uni-Day)

The Unitag is a programme of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and the Ministerialbeauftragter für die Gymnasien in Oberfranken (Ministerial Commissioner for Grammar Schools in Upper Franconia). It is aimed at particularly capable and motivated pupils in grade 11 of grammar school. The young people can attend courses from the regular course programme at the University of Bayreuth on Fridays. Schools suggest suitable students to the Ministerial Commissioner, who then selects potential participants.

Universitäre Oberstufe

The Universitäre Oberstufe (University Advanced School) is a special programme of the Markgräfin-Wilhelmine-Gymnasium Bayreuth in cooperation with the UBT, in which pupils replace their scientific and project seminars with early studies. For questions on this project, please contact Kompetenzzentrum für Begabtenförderung.

Information for download

Further offers for teachers and school administrators

MINT.UNI & School

You can find all offers in the STEM area collected on the MINT.Uni & School page. Here you will not only find the TAO Research Centre, but also the relevant information on MUT – Mädchen und Technik (Girls and Technology), and on Girls' Day. 

Centre for Teacher Education

The Centre for Teacher Education (ZLB) is located at the University of Bayreuth and coordinates issues and tasks related to teacher education. ZLB is developing the project "Subject & Cultural Diversity in School & University" within the framework of the Teacher Education Quality Offensive funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Would your school like to become a cooperation partner of the University of Bayreuth?

Then get in touch with us!

The University of Bayreuth has maintained intensive cooperation with many schools in the region for many years. The partner schools of the University of Bayreuth are schools that are particularly committed to intensive and continuous cooperation with the University of Bayreuth. This happens through the conclusion of a cooperation agreement, through regular contacts and meetings that serve the exchange and networking, and through concrete projects and initiatives that are jointly initiated and implemented.

We look forward to expanding our network to include your school as well!

Your contact in the area of school cooperation:

Prof. Martin Huber, Vizepräsident für Lehre und Studierende

Prof. Dr. Martin Huber Vice President for Teaching & Learning, Chair of Modern German Literature

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Dr. Jörg Neuner School Cooperation

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3572
E-mail: joerg.neuner@uni-bayreuth.de