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Three researchers stand in front of a blackboard and are explained something

The University of Bayreuth’s Teaching Mission Statement

The University of Bayreuth stands for the qualitatively excellent teaching and comprehensive education of our students. Our goal is to enable graduates to act independently, responsibly and successfully in their subject and the world of work, but also beyond.

In achieving this goal, the following principles are decisive for us: 

  • Competency-oriented teaching of advanced professional skills in research-oriented programmes,
  • Support for particularly capable and gifted students, 
  • Teaching and nurturing of social and cultural competencies and interdisciplinary openness, 
  • The close orientation of teaching to our research processes, and ongoing development of our teaching profile parallel to our research profile.

In this way, we are actively contributing to the personal development of future academics as responsible members of our society. 

Basic guidelines for the quality of our courses are: 

  • Teachers who care about student learning success and motivation, and students who are motivated, committed, and willing to perform, 
  • Teaching and learning objectives that are formulated in a competency-oriented manner, transparent, and relevant, 
  • Teaching-learning arrangements and class forms, as well as didactic aids, that are oriented towards objectives, 
  • Study and examination requirements that are appropriate and transparent, 
  • an environment created jointly by the University, the teacher, and students that promotes the achievement of teaching and learning goals, as well as 
  • a working atmosphere in which free expression by students and teachers is possible. 

Details on our teaching strategy can be found in the University of Bayreuth's teaching mission statement.

Details on our teaching strategy can be found in the University of Bayreuth's teaching mission statement.

Your contacts

Prof. Martin Huber, Vizepräsident für Lehre und Studierende

Prof. Dr. Martin Huber

Vice-President for Teaching & Learning

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3611  
E-mail: vp-lehre@uni-bayreuth.de


Quality Assurance in Study & Teaching Service Centre
