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Five light bulbs hanging next to each other, only the middle one lights up

Saving energy at the University of Bayreuth

The energy crisis in Winter Semester 2022/2023 had a noticeable impact on the University of Bayreuth's operations. The University of Bayreuth continues to address energy conservation, not least because of its close links with the issue of sustainable energy use.

The intensive focus on energy and the urgent request to save energy in Winter Semester 2022/2023 have helped to create and strengthen an energy-sensitive awareness within the University of Bayreuth’s community. This will continue to be fostered and put into action in the future, as the topic of energy is one of the core topics for the coming years. The energy-saving measures implemented at the University of Bayreuth last winter are currently being evaluated and analysed.

We are also looking at the types of consumption that take place at the University of Bayreuth along with measures that can be implemented in the future without affecting university operations in order to permanently reduce the basic energy demand of the University of Bayreuth. In addition, energy-saving renovation measures at the University of Bayreuth will be further pursued and intensified whenever possible.

Read more about the savings achieved in Winter Semester 2022/23 in our web magazine.

Dr. Nicole Kaiser
For the University of Bayreuth, energy remains a key issue for the future. Sustainable use and responsible management of energy are crucial for our future. We can only optimize the University of Bayreuth’s energy consumption in the long term if we all make an effort to do so at all times!

Dr. Nicole Kaiser, Provost

Overview of what we implemented in Winter Semester 2022/23:

We would like to thank everyone who has made their personal contribution and all the larger areas and units who have contributed to the following consumption optimization with their ideas and measures.

A woman looks into a microscope

Laboratory areas

By raising awareness among research groups – also in the context of targeted energy consultations –  optimized energy consumption has already been achieved in various laboratories, e.g. by adjusting working temperatures or equipment operating times.

A man is working at a PC.

IT and media infrastructure

Significant savings have already been achieved by restructuring energy-intensive servers, blade centres and high-performance computers. In addition, the automatic shutdown of unused computers in the PC pools and the activation of the energy-saving modes of projectors and other media technology at the University of Bayreuth have been optimized.

Greenhouses of the Ecological-Botanical Garden in winter.

Greenhouses (ÖBG)

In individual greenhouses, savings could be achieved by reducing the temperature for heating or raising the temperature for cooling by two degrees in each case and shutting down a foil greenhouse on the heating side, without harming the plants that are the subject of research and teaching. In addition, measures are already being worked on for a more energy-sensitive solution for cooling the greenhouses in summer through shading and insulation.

Three women eating together in the Cafeteria at the University of Bayreuth


In addition to the measures for reduced heating or cooling or ventilation, it was possible to take several larger cold rooms out of operation in the Frischraum area through redensification. The energy-saving measures are also evident on a smaller scale. For example, the self-serve refrigerators in the Frischraum are now only used for storing and presenting drinks (without refrigeration).

Stylised light bulb on yellow background


Throughout the University, the process of converting the lighting to LED, which began several years ago, continues to progress. We would also like to thank all the departments and working groups that have made purchases (conversion of LED lighting) from their own funds, which also help to reduce energy consumption.

The picture shows the campus of the University of Bayreuth from a bird's eye view.

Energy Task Force

Sincere thanks also go to all the contributors to the Energy Task Force. With their scientific knowledge and technical know-how, they have contributed to the development of a reliable set of data covering the various energy requirements at the University of Bayreuth. Based on this, they have developed and implemented various energy-saving solutions and measures that also take individual characteristics into account.

Current energy-saving measures at the University of Bayreuth

Centrally managed measures

Individual energy saving

FAQs on the current situation and the political situation