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New degree programmes: Apply now!

What are your plans now that you've graduated from high school? Have you decided whether to pursue vocational training or a university education? And what about after your bachelor's degree: will you start working right away, or do you plan to get your master's degree first? Right now, many young people are thinking about questions just like these. And with its wide range of attractive degree programmes, the University of Bayreuth is a good place to turn to for answers. ​

Overview of new degree programmes:

Bachelor's programmes

How to apply for a bachelor's programme:

In our programme finder, you will find all our bachelor's programmes listed in alphabetical order. Some bachelor’s programmes require you to apply, others are not restricted. The bachelor's pages contain links to the relevant enrolment and application platforms.

Master's programmes

How to apply for a master's programme

In our programme finder, you will find all our master's programmes listed in alphabetical order. With some master’s programmes, you will have to apply, others are not restricted. The master's pages contain links to the relevant enrolment and application platforms.

Continuing education master's programmes

How to apply for an MBA programme

General information on the application is listed on the website of the Campus Akademie of the University of Bayreuth.

Supplementary studies

Our supplementary studies course takes up the basic idea of the Studium Generale, and is aimed at students who are already enrolled at the University of Bayreuth. It is completed parallel to the main course of study, earning participants 30 ECTS points. Students are offered a scientifically sound but at the same time practice-oriented acquisition of competencies in the selected subject area, and will attain key skills and knowledge in the corresponding research category, as well as in its interdisciplinary, occupation-oriented fields of application. This additional qualification is evidenced in the form of a recognized certificate, which may prove useful in the graduate’s further career path.

How to apply for a supplementary studies course

To enrol for a supplementary studies course, please contact the Student Administration Office.

Programme finder

Programme finder