Faculty I – Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Whether enrolment, taking exams or sick leave: We have compiled the most important information from the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science for you on this page.
Dear Students,
Documents, certificates, and applications can be submitted to the Examinations Office electronically.
Please note the general information on the homepage.

Examination Office Division I/4 research group I/II
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
+49 (0)921 / 55-3199 or -3056
Naturwissenschaften II (NW II), Office
Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
additionally Wednesday, 1 - 3 p.m.
Information and forms
Enrolment requirement when taking examinations Enrolment is mandatory for taking examinations (first-sitting or re-sit). This applies to all examinations, including those that extend over a longer period of time (for example, bachelor's or final thesis). Here, enrolment must be evidenced for the entire duration.
According to notification by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and the Arts, an examination that was taken without enrolment can be considered failed.
1. What to do in case of illness?
If a candidate is unable to attend an examination date for good reasons, the following must be observed:
The examination candidate has a duty to cooperate with regard to the proof of their inability to sit the examination. This means concretely:
The reasons for the inability to sit the examination must be notified immediately, i.e. without undue delay, at the latest, within three working days after the examination date, in writing to the Examinations Office, and must be substantiated. The application must contain the name, address, degree programme, matriculation number, the missed examination, and the examination date.
In case of illness, a medical certificate in original (a fax is not an original) must be enclosed, which must be based on a medical examination at the latest on the day of the claimed inability to take the examination. Outside of normal medical consultation hours, you can contact the on-call medical service. The on-call medical service can be reached free of charge by telephone under the toll-free number 116117. The general medical KVB on-call clinic in Bayreuth is located at Carl-Schüller-Straße 10, 95444 Bayreuth. In the case of computer printouts, make sure that the certificate bears the doctor's stamp. If so wished, the doctor may use a form provided by the University.
2. What information does the medical certificate need to contain?
A medical certificate which is limited to certifying that the candidate is incapable of sitting examination, or to issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, is not sufficient for acceptance of inability to sit examination.
The assessment of whether a candidate is incapable of sitting an examination in a specific case is a legal act which falls within the competence of examination administration, and, unlike the incapacity to work of an employee, cannot be decided by the attending physician. In these proceedings, the doctor treating the candidate has the function of a medical expert who’s role is to describe the existing health impairments (pain, fever, disturbance of the ability to concentrate) in such a concrete way that it is possible for the examinations board or examination administration to make a decision on the existence of examination incapacity. This means that in the case of outpatient or other general practitioner treatment, the medical certificate must clearly indicate the obstacles to participation in the examination, e.g. bed rest, objective inability to travel to the place of examination and/or to undergo the examination there without significant discomfort, or without aggravating the illness or similar. The exact designation of the illness is not decisive in this context.
However, there is no objection to the physician entering a diagnosis on the certificate of his own accord instead of a detailed description of functional disorders, if examination incapacity can be justified more plausibly without disproportionately embarrassing the candidate.
Fluctuations in daily form, exam stress, or other short-term mental disorders are not significant impairments in the sense of capacity to sit examination.
In general, a doctor's certificate from a private practice of your choice is sufficient. Alternatively, the Examinations Office can also require a medical certificate from a public health officer.
If you are hospitalised on the day of the examination, you must present written confirmation from the hospital.
Recognition of the medical certificate or the written confirmation from the hospital will be documented by the Examinations Office in the examination administration system; you will not be notified additionally.
3. Medical confidentiality?
The patient's request to have a certificate issued that is appropriate to allow his or her examination incapacity to be established by the Examinations Office, constitutes the doctor's implied release from their duty of confidentiality with regard to all information required for this purpose. In this respect, the medical certificate in the case of examination incapacity differs from a certificate of incapacity for work in professional life, where the protection of the employee from dismissal is taken into account.
You must bear in mind, that a failure to cooperate or to cooperate sufficiently in clarifying the examination incapacity claimed may be to your disadvantage.
It is therefore in your interest to ask your doctor to explain as precisely as possible the actual circumstances preventing you from taking the examination, so that the board of examiners or examination administration can decide on your request for recognition of these grounds.
References (with reference to case law): Niehues/Fischer/Jeremias, Prüfungsrecht, 6. 2014 edition
Applications for the recognition of examination and study achievements/competencies must be submitted to the examination office together with supporting documents. If you have any questions, etc., you can contact the examination office responsible for the degree programme.
The thesis is submitted digitally as a PDF file or in an accepted file format via the form server.
Graduation documents for all courses of study are issued upon application by the student. Students whose study and examination regulations are stored in CAMPUSonline can submit this application digitally at cmlife. There, as soon as all credits have been properly recorded, the system provides the option to select the box "Apply for certificate" and sends the application digitally to the Examinations Office.
All other students will find a request form here. You can either submit the original application form to the Examinations Office (in person or by post) or you can fill it in, sign it, and send it as an e-mail attachment. However, please do not submit the application until all the requirements needed have been entered into CAMPUSonline.
Upon completion of their studies, graduates receive a Diploma Supplement in English in addition to a certificate confirming the award of the academic degree and a transcript of records indicating the ex-amination grades.
The Diploma Supplement explains the structure of the degree programme. This document may also include information on whether the graduate studied abroad and whether he or she completed coursework and examinations abroad.
Students who wish to have this information included in their Diploma Supplement are requested to submit proof of their stay abroad to the Examinations Office well in advance of the issuing of the de-gree documents.
- Can I switch from full-time to part-time study?
If the examination regulations of your degree programme allow it, it is possible to change from full-time to part-time within the enrolment deadlines for the new semester. Please contact the Student Administration Office. Please note that each completed semester of full-time study will be counted as two semesters in part-time study.
In addition, you will have to contact the Examinations Office immediately after switching to part-time study in order to have all previous credits transferred.
- What can I do if my exam grade was entered incorrectly?
If you inspect your graded exam and discover that the grade is incorrect (e.g. because points have not been added or have been added up incorrectly), you can submit a request for a correction within one year of the official announcement of the results of an examination. The request must be submitted to the Examinations Office.
- Am I allowed to complete examinations and coursework at the University of Bayreuth during my semester of leave?
During your leave of absence, you may not take examinations at the university at which the leave of absence was granted. It is permissible to retake examinations that you did not pass.
- Does the certificate state how many semesters were required for the degree?
No. The degree certificate does not contain any information about the duration of study. The date of the last examination taken for the degree is noted. - What is the “maximum duration of study” and how many semesters is the maximum duration of study?
The maximum duration of study is the maximum length of time a student may be enrolled in a particular degree programme.
In the bachelor's degree programmes, the bachelor's examination is deemed to have been failed for the first time if a student does not achieve all of the required 180 credit points by the end of the 8th semester as a full-time student or by the end of the 16th semester as a part-time student for reasons for which he or she is responsible. If the missing examinations are not passed for reasons for which the student is responsible within one year of the end of the 8th semester of full-time study or after the end of the 16th semester of part-time study, or if the retake options have been exhausted before then, the bachelor's examination has been failed on the final attempt.
In the master's degree programmes, the master's examination is deemed to have been failed for the first time if a student does not achieve all of the required 120 credit points by the end of the 6th semester for reasons for which he or she is responsible. If a master's degree course can be studied part-time, the master's examination is deemed to have been failed for the first time if a student does not achieve all of the required 120 credit points by the end of the 12th semester for reasons for which he or she is responsible.
If the missing examinations are not passed within one year of the end of the 6th semester in full-time studies or after the end of the 12th semester in part-time studies for reasons for which the student is responsible, or if the retake options have been exhausted before then, the master's examination is deemed to have been failed on the final attempt.
Semester of study and standard period of study (Summer Semester 2020, Winter Semester 2020/2021, Summer Semester 2021 and Winter Semester 2021/2022)
Summer Semester 2020, Winter Semester 2020/2021, Summer Semester 2021, and Winter Semester 2021/2022 are not considered "semesters of study" with regard to the standard period of study and deadlines specified in the examination regulations. This means that students will not suffer any disadvantages if they are unable to comply with examination dates and deadlines due to the special situation in these semesters.
These "deadline extensions" occur automatically, and no separate application is necessary.
In addition, students who were/are enrolled in a degree prgramme in Summer Semester 2020, Winter Semester 2020/2021, Summer Semester 2021, and Winter Semester 2021/2022 and who have not been granted a leave of abcence will generally be granted an extended "individual" standard period of study that deviates from the regular standard period of study.
Further information can be found here:
Bachelor's Programmes
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kriecherbauer, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Michael Stoll
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Markus Lippitz, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Stephan Gekle
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Anton Schiela, Stellv. N.N.
Master's Programmes
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Jochen Koubek, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Michael Guthe
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Dominik Henrich, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Anton Schiela, Stellv. N.N.
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kriecherbauer, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Michael Stoll
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Martin Weiss, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Vollrath Martin Axt
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Thomas Rauber
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne
Board of examiners: Vors. Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau, Stellv. Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne
Board of examiners: Prof. Dr. Stephan Kümmel
Module studies
Please contact the working group of the Examinations Office that supervises the course of studies in which the respective module is described.