Digital Degree Course
At least since the appearance of coronavirus, we know that online learning without face-to-face classes requires more than just getting the video stream of the lecture and the worksheets in e-learning.
The University of Bayreuth offers the necessary technical infrastructure. Get an overview of the digital tools available here.
General information for students

The University Library has licensed a large number of e-books, e-journals, and databases. To use electronic media outside the campus of the University of Bayreuth, you only need to set up the proxy in your browser accordingly.

For students, there is a wide range of high-quality online courses from various external providers. The range of courses covers all subject areas and can usually be taken free of charge. Whether a course can be credited must be clarified with the instuctor responsible.

Please contact the IT Service Centre with any general questions about technical solutions.
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3003
E-mail: its-beratung@uni-bayreuth.de.

First-year students face particular challenges in digital semesters. But we won't leave you on your own, and have put together a list of the most important tips.
Digital learning: Online tools for students
E-Learning is the central teaching and learning platform of the University of Bayreuth. Based on the free software Moodle, the platform enables the following virtual means of exchanging information and material:
- Communication: e-learning allows you to communicate in various ways. These include discussion forums, personal messages to individual users or user groups, and surveys.
- Document sharing: You can download a wide variety of documents, such as scripts, presentations, exercise materials, etc.
- Submission of work: It is possible to submit texts and documents, such as homework or exercise sheets, digitally, and thereby make them available for correction.
- Collaboration: With the activity "Etherpad lite", one can work simultaneously with each other in real time, or create notes. Export as PDF or in Word format for post-processing is also possible.
- Submission
of work: It is possible to submit texts and documents, such as homework or
exercise sheets, digitally, and thereby make them available for correction.
Panopto – the video platform of the University of Bayreuth
Lecturers can provide you with video material to accompany lectures via the central video platform Panopto. Neither activation nor the Panoptop Recorder software is required for these offerings. The videos are directly integrated into the corresponding e-learning courses and can be accessed there.
Video, audio & web conferences
MS Teams is a platform developed by Microsoft in Microsoft 365. In addition to chat and video telephony, it offers the possibility of linking all Office programmes with each other. Documents from Word, Excel, or PowerPoint can be exchanged and edited via MS Teams. Participants are organised in groups and permissions are managed individually. This makes it possible for several people to work together on one document. Each user has 1 TB of personal storage space available in OneDrive.
Up to 300 people are allowed to participate in video conferences at the same time. Access is possible via PC, laptop, or smartphone. MS Teams is available as an app in the respective app stores. Teams is available to members of the University of Bayreuth free of charge. External persons can be granted access to a project. Teams offers all the usual functions such as 1:1 video telephony, conferences, lectures, and breakout rooms.
For the use of Teams, it is important to recognise Microsoft's data protection guidelines. Please refer to the information provided by the IT Security Officer of the University of Bayreuth.
Instructions for MS Teams can be found here:
To support online teaching, the University of Bayreuth has expanded its offering with Zoom. A Zoom Meeting 300 license provided from central funds is available to each professorship for holding courses. Additional licenses can be obtained as needed at the expense of the respective institution.
Further information
Digital media of the University Library
University staff and students can access a variety of digital offerings such as e-books, e-journals, and databases from off-campus via VPN/Proxy or by authentication via Shibboleth (publishers Springer Nature and Wiley). Please also note the information on online versions of journal articles on the website Alternative methods of procuring journal articles.
If you have any questions regarding research, please contact auskunft.ub@uni-bayreuth.de or 0921 / 55-3420. Please also see the website of the Bayreuth University Library.
Software for theses
PC-Linux-Poolsfor Mathematics
The computers of the PC Linux Pool of Mathematics can be reached from off-campus via SSH together with VPN and authentication with user ID from the University of Bayreuth.