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Close-up view of a cellist

Culture on Campus

Bayreuth = Wagner: that's a given. But Bayreuth has more to offer. Of course, you will also find a lively range of art and culture on the campus of the University of Bayreuth. Just a few examples:

You can rock out at Uni-Open-Air, swing to the sounds of the Uni Big Band, or dance in the Glashaus rather than throw stones. But there even more ways to spend your free time culturally. We have put together a list of them for you here.

Choirs and Orchestras (all in German language)

Off-campus culture – discounts for students

Expanding the cultural offerings in Bayreuth: That is the goal of the Kulturfreunde Bayreuth association. Thus, the association organizes classical music concerts that should be accessible to all parts of society. Consequently, the association offers concert tickets and subscriptions at discounted rates, for example. Students receive a 50 percent discount on advance tickets and pay only 5 euros for remaining tickets at the box office. Find out more on the website of the Kulturfreunde Bayreuth.