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A woman sits together with other participants in a continuing education seminar

Part-time continuing education

Have you already completed a first vocational course of training or a vocational study programme? Are you now employed and looking for further qualifications in order to progress further in your company or to change to a new sector? As a continuing education institution of the University of Bayreuth, the Campus Academy offers you the best opportunities to continue your education at an academic level while working.

Tailored offerings for your continuing education

The goal of the Campus Academy's continuing education measures is your personal and professional advancement. In addition to various seminar formats and certificate courses, part-time study programmes are also offered. The content of the continuing education programmes is based on the undergraduate teaching of the University of Bayreuth and focuses in particular on the topics of sport, health, ethics, and business and legal management. In addition, the Campus Academy designs customised continuing education programmes for companies and their individual requirements, through which their employees can be trained in the best possible manner.

In all courses, the relevant continuing education content is taught at university level by renowned lecturers from the worlds of both research and practice. On the one hand, the existing resources of the University of Bayreuth are used. On the other hand, entrepreneurial perspectives are always incorporated through the selective use of experienced practitioners.

An advanced training course at the Campus Academy is not only a professional enrichment, but also offers the opportunity to talk to professional colleagues and to actively network in the industry. At the Campus Academy, you benefit from scientifically and practically developed content as well as comprehensive support before, during, and after your continuing education course.

Studying at the Campus Academy

The MBA programmes in Health Care Management and Sport Management are the flagships of the Campus Academy. The LL.M. in Sport Law is another offering in the area of part-time study programmes. The MBA in Marketing & Sales Management was added in 2017 and the MBA in Responsibility, Leadership & Communication in 2020. In 2022, the M.A. Environment, Climate and Health was launched.

The degree programmes impart core competencies also taught in undergraduate programmes at the University of Bayreuth, and offer academics with professional experience in their respective fields the tools to take their next career steps and prepare them for future leadership tasks.

Certificate courses and seminars

In addition to your professional employment, a certificate course offers you excellent opportunities to get one step closer to the goals you have set yourself. In a manageable period of time, you will gain up-to-date as well as practice-relevant expertise, and will be networking with colleagues in your industry. Participation in certificate courses is usually free of admission requirements and is concluded with a ceremonial presentation of the certificate.

For those interested in continuing education, the Campus Academy also offers shorter programmes in addition to the certificate courses, such as seminars or a continuing education series featuring various, changing topics. These usually last no longer than two days and deal intensively and comprehensively with an individual core area. Moreover, in taking part you benefit from the academic and practical expertise of our lecturers.

Our continuing education programmes of study

Our continuing education programmes of study

Any questions? We would be happy to help.

Campus Academy of the University of Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7308
E-Mmail: weiterbildung@uni-bayreuth.de
Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-7333

Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth
Link to the contact form (in German language)