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Application & enrolment

You have decided on a degree programme? Good! But now, at the latest, the question arises: How do I actually get a place at university? And what do I have to keep in mind?

On this page you will find a general overview of the different admission procedures at the University of Bayreuth. With the help of the programme finder, you can find out the exact procedure your desired programme has and what deadlines apply. To do so, select "How do I get a place?" on the overview page of your desired degree programme.

Brief overview of the award procedure

The following is a brief description of all award procedures practised by the University of Bayreuth.

Please note: You should find out about master's programmes separately. It is best to select the desired master's programme from our programme finder.

Information on the master's application

To obtain a place on a Master's degree programme, an application is necessary. The exact modalities may differ depending on the degree programme. Most Master's programmes are designed to be consecutive and build on the content of certain Bachelor's programmes. You can find information on this in the examination regulations under admission requirements.

Degrees from other universities are checked for comparability during the application process; sometimes missing content can be made up to a limited extent in the form of requirements at the beginning of the programme. If necessary, it is possible to apply even before receiving the Bachelor's degree certificate. In this case, the certificate must be submitted within a certain period of time. The best way to find out the specific application requirements for your desired Master's programme is to use our programme finder.

Further information on application and enrolment

You can find a lot of information on the formal application procedure and the enrolment process on the pages of the Student Administration Office for prospective students. There, first select the semester relevant for your start of studies and then the relevant procedure.

More questions?

Do you still have questions about the allocation procedures or the application and enrolment process? Student Advising will certainly be able to help you or point you in the right direction.

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