The summer and dance event, which takes place annually on the third Saturday of July, has meanwhile established itself as a permanent fixture in the event calendar of the University of Bayreuth. It is an event as unique as the name suggests, in its location, its programme showcases impressive talents you may never have seen before, and gourmet delights.
Enjoying the sparkling energy of the Ecological Botanical Garden while strolling through the lush greenery with an iced drink and a snack in hand – UNIKAT makes it's possible. In the atmospheric ambience of the greenhouses, you will also encounter musical acts and other artistic performances in a whole new way. And if the names "Musa", "Theobroma", and "Hymenocallis" don't mean anything to you (yet), then don't miss an exciting guided tour through the garden's impressive diversity of fauna in the evening. Members of the University family, friends, supporters, and citizens from Bayreuth and the region gather to meet informally and enjoy this very special UNIKAT atmosphere.