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Rondell of the University of Bayreuth from above

Structure- & Development Plan

Since its founding in 1975, the University of Bayreuth has established itself as a permanent fixture on the German university scene; it owes its reputation to outstanding, forward-looking research and teaching. Its track record of success in research and teaching to date is impressive proof of this. In order to prepare the University for future developments and circumstances, and thus to make it even more competitive, we have drawn up a new Structure & Development Plan. It updates and replaces the 'Structural & Developmental Planning 2020+' adopted on 5 June 2013.

The University Governing Board considers Structure & Developmental Planning to be a major strategic instrument to ensure the retention of existing structures that are working well, and to carry out the reorganization and trend-setting realignment necessary to remain competitive with other universities. It is an important basis for orientation in strategic decisions taken by universities generally, e.g.

  • In the introduction of new courses of study,
  • the announcement of new professorships or of those to be filled again,
  • or the allocation of resources.   

Zudem ist der Struktur- und Entwicklungsplan die Grundlage für Zielvereinbarungen im Rahmen des Innovations-Bündnisses mit dem Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.

In addition, the Structure & Development plan is the basis for target agreements within the framework of the Innovation Alliance with the State Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and the Arts.

Today in particular, the University of Bayreuth is confronted with many new challenges. When trust in science and its institutions declines, it affects us as a university in particular. Phenomena such as fake news and filter bubbles, but also new forms of the reception of knowledge have an effect on us, as do digitization, internationalization, and the simultaneous emergence of nationalism, urbanisation, and demographic change. In this paper we wish to provide answers to how the University of Bayreuth is meeting these challenges.

The drafting and updating of such a plan is required by law. However, it also expresses our obligation and commitment to further develop the University and pursue our goals. These goals are written down transparently for everyone. In order to achieve them, various measures are to be planned and implemented over the coming years. We deliberately refrain from presenting them here in order to emphasise the long-term validity of our strategic orientation.

A coordinated process was initiated at the beginning of 2017 to formulate the new Structure & Development Plan and the new Mission Statement. In a major effort involving all member groups of the University of Bayreuth, taking into account all the different points of view, the great expertise on campus was condensed and transferred to the following pages.

The University would like to incorporate part of the goals formulated in the structural and development plan into the target agreement with the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. This is intended to secure and increase the performance of the Bavarian universities.