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MUT – Girls and Technology

STEM subjects - mathematics, computer science, the natural sciences, and technology - are supposed to be boring? No way! Let our "Girls and Technology" programme prove you wrong and find out for yourself how exciting the STEM subjects at the University of Bayreuth really are.

So come along when we host our MUT girls and technology activities "On your marks - technology - go!" (10-14 years) and "MINT-HerbstUni!" (15-19 years) for you! And on 28 & 29 October 2024 it's already time!

We have once again put together a great programme with lots of exciting hands-on workshops from a wide range of STEM subject areas for you, which you can register for from now until 20 October!

But please note: workshop places are, as always, limited! Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that workshop places will still be available by the registration deadline. The best thing to do is to click through our offer right away and secure your favourite spots! 

We look forward to your visit!

On your marks  –  get tech – go!

A holiday programme for girls from 10-14 years of age

How is a cup made from slurry? Why is glass transparent? How does a pocket warmer work? How do molecules end up in prison? And what do I need to programme my own video game?

You can get to the bottom of these and other exciting questions in various practical workshops.

MINT-Herbstuni (STEM Uni in Autumn)

A holiday programme for young women from 15-19 years of age

How do solar cells and LEDs work? How do I programme a robot to clean up the oceans? How do I turn slurry into a cup? Which cheese is the best for pizza? How do molecules end up in prison? Why you shouldn't hope for luck when playing games, and how to find your way through the jungle of study options!

These are the exciting topics we have prepared for you this year!

That's what our former MUT participants say:

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A look back at 2023

A total of 37 girls from 18 schools took part in our last event (2023)! Some of them travelled to the University of Bayreuth campus from over 300 km away to take on the role of scientists in 11 exciting hands-on workshops and investigate research questions in the field of university STEM subjects. A new and special feature this year was a workshop offered by the Student Advising Office for older participants to help them better navigate their own study and career choice process. 

It was once again a very successful event and we would like to thank all the workshop teams involved for their dedication, our participants for the many interesting questions and their enthusiasm, and all the teachers and parents for their support with career guidance.  Together we have once again made the event a terrific autumn highlight!

Impressions of the event can be found at www.mut-oberfranken.de.

We would like to sincerely thank all participants and all the dedicated workshop teams who make the event a successful highlight (again and again)!   

Our thanks go to... 

Chair of Applied Computer Science III - Robotics and Embedded Systems, Chairs of Applied Computer Science VIII - Serious Games & Applied Computer Science IX - Mobile Intelligent User Interfaces, Chair of Experimental Physics II, Chair of Experimental Physics IX, Chair of Experimental Physics XI and Didactics of Physics, Engineering Science TAO-SFZ, Chair of Ceramic Materials, Chair of Metallic Materials, Chair of Technical Thermodynamics and Transport Processes, Chair of Physical Chemistry I, CRC Microplastics, Chair of Business Mathematics ... and the Student Advising Office.

Impressions of previous MUT activities at the University of Bayreuth and also the other Upper Franconian universities can be found on the Upper Franconia-wide MUT Homepage


MINT.UNI was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Science and the Arts as part of the "MINTerAKTIV" project.

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We are partners of the MINT Region Bayreuth

For further information, please contact:

Stefanie Raab-Somabe

Stefanie Raab-Somabe Coordinator of MINT.UNI, STEM Promotion Programme Advisor

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2213
E-mail: mint@uni-bayreuth.de

Building B8 (near Geo building)
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth