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Musicians on stage at UNIKAT

Directions: creating a new event on the event platform

How do I create an event?

A public event, to which the non-university public is being invited, can be created in your own login area. This can either be done directly via the dashboard using the "create event" field or under the "event" tab by clicking on the "create event" field.   

Important: Job advertisements are not published via the event portal, but via the job portal of the University of Bayreuth!

Is it an internal or external event?

By internal events we mean events that are only aimed at university members. Examples could be lecture series, workshops for students, etc. These events must be marked as "internal event" in the event portal via switches. They are published on the University of Bayreuth website at https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/en/events-calendar and on the campus monitors.

External events are events aimed at the general public, such as tours of the Ecological-Botanical Garden and the Bayreuth City Talks. They are published on the University of Bayreuth website at https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/en/events-calendar, on the campus monitors and on the event websites of the city of Bayreuth.

What information is needed to create an event?

Name of event

Date and time


(Category choice, see below)

Examples of category choice:  

Music: Baroque, Choir & Choral Society, Electronic & Dance, Hard & Heavy, Hip-Hop & RnB, Jazz & Blues, Church & Organ Music, Classical Music, Opera, Rock & Pop, Schlager & Folk Music, Other Music Offerings
Stage: Cabaret & Comedy, Musical Theatre, Dance & Ballet, Theatres, Other Stage Offerings
Sport: Badminton, Basketball, Mountain Sports, Archery, Ice Hockey, Figure Skating, Recreation, Fitness, Football, Weightlifting, Golf, Handball, Canoeing, Martial Arts, Bowling, Climbing & Bouldering, Running, Team Sports, Cycling, Equestrian Sports, Wrestling, Shooting Clubs, Swimming, Skiing, Dancing, Tennis, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Volleyball, Hiking, Water Sports, Winter Sports, Other Sports
Science for all  
Fun & games  
Environment & nature  
Culinary delights  
History & customs  
Politics & society  
Religion & spirituality  
Creativity & design 

Film & cinema: Animation, Adventure, Action, Documentary, Drama, Erotic, Fantasy & Fairy Tale, Horror, Comedy, Crime, Love Story, Music, Science Fiction, Thriller, Western, Other

Brief description

(max. 500 charaters)

Is it an internal or external event?

(By internal events we mean events that are only aimed at university members.)

Event venue or information on online participation

(In case there is no venue, please state council and town)

Target group

 (see right for target group choice)

Further obligatory details

  • Event image in landscape format (16:9, 600px-2000px), which we will be allowed  use (rights?)      
  • Information on whether registration is necessary      
  • Price information (free of charge or subject to charge; if subject to charge: price from-to, website with price information or ticket purchase, additional price information (e.g. advance booking offices)      
  • Information on whether the event is part of a fringe event (if yes, name fringe event)

Further optional details

  • Other participants   
  • Event homepage      
  • Form of event (see below for form of event)
  • Social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)
  • Choice of possible day: specify dress code, standing admission, seating, child care
  • Full description

Forms of events available:
Presentation, reading  
Fetes & markets: Fasching, festivals, beer festivals, markets, Easter, regional highlights, Christmas  
Guided tours, tours, exhibitions: Guided walking tours, museum, sights, city tours, themed tours  
Performance, Concert  
Workshop, class, training  
(Club) meeting  
Excursion & Leisure  
Dance or ball  
(Creative) courses

Katrin Lautner

Katrin Lautner

Campus monitor, Uni Shop, Events

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5325  
E-mail: katrin.lautner@uni-bayreuth.de   

Office: Room 3.08, University Administration (ZUV)  
Universitätsstraße 30, 95447 Bayreuth