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Overview of Minors | Bachelor‘s

In many degree programmes, the Bachelor's programme at the University of Bayreuth is characterised by a special subject structure: Right at the beginning of your studies, when you enrol in your Bachelor's degree programme, you choose a minor subject that is fully integrated into the course of study.

A minor must be chosen in the following bachelor's degree programmes (major subjects):

  • African Verbal and Visual Arts (Languages, Literatures, Media and Art)
  • English & American Studies
  • African Development Studies in Geography
  • German Studies
  • Intercultural German Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Social & Cultural Anthropology 
  • Theatre & Media Studies

You decide the minor

These minors are available at the University of Bayreuth. For each minor, you will find information on which major subject it may be combined with.

More questions? We would be happy to help:

Teamfoto: das Team der Zentralen Studienberatung der Universität Bayreuth

Student Advising

Hotline: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433 (Tue-Thu, 10-11 a.m.)
Website: www.studienberatung.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html

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