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students discussing at a round table with a laptop and notes in front of them.

GründerUni – Space for creative thinking

Thinking and acting entrepreneurially is not only crucial for students if they aspire to start their own business or continue running an existing company after graduation, but also an important basic skill for all future professionals and managers. At our university, students develop their entrepreneurial qualities and skills thanks to high-quality and contemporary teaching formats. In this way, the University of Bayreuth is taking on an important training mandate from the regional economy, and making an important contribution to increasing the regional’s innovative capacity and activity.

The University of Bayreuth takes its role as the "innovation engine" of the Upper Franconia region very seriously. One of the tasks of the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation is to support students in acquiring the necessary competencies in the area of entrepreneurial and innovative thinking and acting. Willingness and ability to found one’s own company is also nurtured. The start-up advisory service is available to all those interested in setting up a business and to start-ups, providing support – on a confidential basis, of course. Frequently, questions arise in the run-up to a start-up in the area of property rights. We are happy to advise you here as well.

In addition, the University of Bayreuth supports student initiatives and competitions and offers interested parties numerous networking and other events.

Bayreuth success stories

Katrin Frotscher und Leon Meier
After both of us had the opportunity to gain experience in e-commerce as co-founders of Clouberry, a B2B platform for sustainable corporate gifts, in the course of the coronavirus pandemic, we came up with the idea of helping the local people by selling handmade and fairly produced masks made in Tanzania, among other things, as the country is heavily dependent on tourism, which suddenly dried up due to the crisis.

Katrin Frotscher (Law, Bachelor of Law) and Leon Meier (Business Administration, Bachelor) are the founders of the start-up Afyamoto


Andreas Kokott

Dr. Andreas KokottFoundation advice / invention disclosure & property rights

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4672
E-mail: gruendungsberatung@uni-bayreuth.de or schutzrechte@uni-bayreuth.de

Zapf-Gebäude, Building 1, Office 1.2.18 
Nürnberger Straße 38, 95448 Bayreuth 

Further contacts

You can find further contacts, sorted by responsibility for the respective offering, on the homepage of the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation of the University of Bayreuth. 

Haven’t found what you’re looking for?

The service unit Career Services & Corporate Relations also networks joint activities of the business community and the University of Bayreuth. With a comprehensive range of advisory services and numerous career events, it is a central interface between studies and the professional world.